Image Based CAPTCHA using Jigsaw Puzzle on Blazor

In this article, I will share about how I deploy an image based CAPTCHA as a Blazor app on Azure Static Web App.


The complete source code of this project can be found at

Project Motivation

CAPTCHA, which stands for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”, is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. Since the day CAPTCHA was invented by Luis von Ahn’s team at Carnegie Mellon University, it has been a reliable tool in separating machines from humans.

In 2007, Luis von Ahn’s team released a programme known as reCAPTCHA which asked users to decipher hard-to-read texts in order to distinguish between human and bots.

The words shown in reCAPTCHA come directly from old books that are being digitized. Hence, it does not only stop spam, but also help digitise books at the same time. (Source: reCAPTCHA)

A team led by Prof Gao Haichang from Xidian University realised that, with the development of automated computer vision techniques such as OCR, traditional text-based CAPTHCAs are not considered safe anymore for authentication. During the IEEE conference in 2010, they thus proposed a new way, i.e. using an image based CAPTCHA which involves in solving a jigsaw puzzle. Their experiments and security analysis further proved that human can complete the jigsaw puzzle CAPTCHA verification quickly and accurately which bots rarely can. Hence, jigsaw puzzle CAPTCHA can be a substitution to the text-based CAPTCHA.

Xidian University, one of the 211 Project universities and a high level scientific research innovation in China. (Image Source: Shulezetu)

In 2019, on CSDN (Chinese Software Developer Network), a developer 不写BUG的瑾大大 shared his implementation of jigsaw puzzle captcha in Java. It’s a very detailed blog post but there is still room for improvement in, for example, documenting the code and naming the variables. Hence, I’d like to take this opportunity to implement this jigsaw puzzle CAPTCHA in .NET 5 with C# and Blazor. I also host the demo web app on Azure Static Web App so that you all can access and play with the CAPTCHA:

Today, jigsaw puzzle CAPTCHA is used in many places. (Image Credit: Hirabiki at HoYoLAB)

Jigsaw Puzzle CAPTCHA

In a jigsaw puzzle CAPTCHA, there is usually a jigsaw puzzle with at least one misplaced piece where users need to move to the correct place to complete the puzzle. In my demo, I have only one misplaced piece that needs to be moved.

Jigsaw puzzle CAPTCHA implementation on Blazor. (Try it here)

As shown in the screenshot above, there are two necessary images in the CAPTCHA. One of them is a misplaced piece of the puzzle. Another image is the original image with a shaded area indicating where the misplaced piece should be dragged to. What users need to do is just dragging the slider to move the misplaced piece to the shaded area to complete the jigsaw puzzle within a time limit.

In addition, here the CAPTCHA only needs user to drag the missing piece horizontally. This is not only the popular implementation of the jigsaw puzzle CAPTCHA, but also not too challenging for users to pass the CAPTCHA.

Now, let’s see how we can implement this in C# and later deploy the codes to Azure.

Retrieve the Original Image

The first thing we need to do is getting an image for the puzzle. We can have a collection of images that make good jigsaw puzzle stored in our Azure Blob Storage. After that, each time before generating the jigsaw puzzle, we simply need to fetch all the images from the Blob Storage with the following codes and randomly pick one as the jigsaw puzzle image.

public async Task<List<string>> GetAllImageUrlsAsync() 
    var output = new List<string>();

    var container = new BlobContainerClient(_storageConnectionString, _containerName);

    var blobItems = container.GetBlobsAsync();

    await foreach (var blob in blobItems) 
        var blobClient = container.GetBlobClient(blob.Name);

    return output;

Define the Missing Piece Template

To increase the difficulty of the puzzle, we can have jigsaw pieces with different patterns, such as having tabs appearing on different sides of the pieces. In this demo, I will stick to just one pattern of missing piece, which has tabs on the top and right sides, as shown below.

The missing piece template.

The tabs are basically two circles with the same radius. Their centers are positioned at the middle point of the rectangle side. Hence, we can now build a 2D matrix for the pixels indicating the missing piece template with 1 means inside of the the piece and 0 means outside of the piece.

In addition, we know the general equation of a circle of radius r at origin (h,k) is as follows.

Hence, if there is a point (i,j) inside the circle above, then the following must be true.

If the point (i,j) is outside of the circle, then the following must be true.

With these information, we can build our missing piece 2D matrix as follows.

private int[,] GetMissingPieceData()
    int[,] data = new int[PIECE_WIDTH, PIECE_HEIGHT];

    double c1 = (PIECE_WIDTH - TAB_RADIUS) / 2;
    double c2 = PIECE_HEIGHT / 2;
    double squareOfTabRadius = Math.Pow(TAB_RADIUS, 2);

    double xBegin = PIECE_WIDTH - TAB_RADIUS;
    double yBegin = TAB_RADIUS;

    for (int i = 0; i < PIECE_WIDTH; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < PIECE_HEIGHT; j++)
            double d1 = Math.Pow(i - c1, 2) + Math.Pow(j, 2);
            double d2 = Math.Pow(i - xBegin, 2) + Math.Pow(j - c2, 2);
            if ((j <= yBegin && d1 < squareOfTabRadius) || (i >= xBegin && d2 > squareOfTabRadius))
                data[i, j] = 0;
                data[i, j] = 1;

    return data;

After that, we can determine the border of the missing piece easily too from just the template data above. We then can draw the border of the missing piece for better user experience when we display it on screen.

private int[,] GetMissingPieceBorderData(int[,] d)
    int[,] borderData = new int[PIECE_WIDTH, PIECE_HEIGHT];

    for (int i = 0; i < d.GetLength(0); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < d.GetLength(1); j++)
            if (d[i, j] == 0) continue;

            if (i - 1 < 0 || j - 1 < 0 || i + 1 >= PIECE_WIDTH || j + 1 >= PIECE_HEIGHT) 
                borderData[i, j] = 1;


            int sumOfSourrounding = 
                d[i - 1, j - 1] + d[i, j - 1] + d[i + 1, j - 1] + 
                d[i - 1, j] + d[i + 1, j] + 
                d[i - 1, j + 1] + d[i, j + 1] + d[i + 1, j + 1];

            if (sumOfSourrounding != 8) 
                borderData[i, j] = 1;

    return borderData;

Define the Shaded Area

Next, we need to tell the user where the missing piece should be dragged to. We will use the template data above and apply it to the original image we get from the Azure Blob Storage.

Due to the shape of the missing piece, the proper area to have the shaded area needs to be in the region highlighted in green colour below. Otherwise, the shaded area will not be shown completely and thus give users a bad user experience. The yellow area is okay too but we don’t allow the shaded area to be there to avoid cases where the missing piece covers the shaded area when the images first load and thus confuses the users.

Random random = new Random();

int x = random.Next(originalImage.Width - 2 * PIECE_WIDTH) + PIECE_WIDTH;
int y = random.Next(originalImage.Height - PIECE_HEIGHT);
Green area is where the top left of the shaded area should be positioned at.

Let’s assume the shaded area is at the point (x,y) of the original image, then given the original image in a Bitmap variable called originalImage, we can then have the following code to traverse the area and process the pixels in that area.

int[,] missingPiecePattern = GetMissingPieceData();

for (int i = 0; i < PIECE_WIDTH; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < PIECE_HEIGHT; j++)
        int templatePattern = missingPiecePattern[i, j];
        int originalArgb = originalImage.GetPixel(x + i, y + j).ToArgb();

        if (templatePattern == 1)
            originalImage.SetPixel(x + i, y + j, FilterPixel(originalImage, x + i, y + j));
            missingPiece.SetPixel(i, j, Color.Transparent);

Now we can perform the image convolution with kernel, a 3×3 convolution matrix, as shown below in the FilterPixel method. Here we will be using Box Blur. A Box Blur is a spatial domain linear filter in which each pixel in the resulting image has a value equal to the average value of its neighboring pixels in the input image. By the Central Limit Theorem, repeated application of a box blur will approximate a Gaussian Blur.

Kernels used in different types of image processing.

For the kernel, I don’t really follow the official Box Blur kernel or Gaussian Blur kernel. Instead, I dim the generated colour by forcing three pixel to be always black (when i = j). This is to make sure the shaded area is not only blurred but darkened.

private Color FilterPixel(Bitmap img, int x, int y)
    const int KERNEL_SIZE = 3;
    int[,] kernel = new int[KERNEL_SIZE, KERNEL_SIZE];


    int r = 0;
    int g = 0;
    int b = 0;
    int count = KERNEL_SIZE * KERNEL_SIZE;
    for (int i = 0; i < kernel.GetLength(0); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < kernel.GetLength(1); j++)
            Color c = (i == j) ? Color.Black : Color.FromArgb(kernel[i, j]);
            r += c.R;
            g += c.G;
            b += c.B;

return Color.FromArgb(r / count, g / count, b / count);

What will happen when we are processing pixel without all 8 neighbouring pixels? To handle this, we will take the value of the pixel at the opposite position which is describe in the following diagram.

Applying kernel on edge pixels.

Since we have two images ready, i.e. an image for the missing piece and another image which shows where the missing piece needs to be, we can convert them into base 64 string and send the string values to the web page.

Now, the next step will be displaying these two images on the Blazor web app.

API on Azure Function

When we publish our Blazor app to Azure Static Web Apps, we are getting fast hosting of our web app and scalable APIs. Azure Static Web Apps is designed to host applications where the API and frontend source code lives on GitHub.

The purpose of API in this project is to retrieve the jigsaw puzzle images and verify user submissions. We don’t need a full server for our API because Azure Static Web Apps hosts our API in Azure Functions. So we need to implement our API as Azure Functions here.

We will have two API methods here. The first one is to retrieve the jigsaw puzzle images, as shown below.

public async Task<IActionResult> Run(
    [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = "jigsaw-puzzle")] HttpRequest req,
    ILogger log)
    log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

    var availablePuzzleImageUrls = await _puzzleImageService.GetAllImageUrlsAsync();

    var random = new Random();
    string selectedPuzzleImageUrl = availablePuzzleImageUrls[random.Next(availablePuzzleImageUrls.Count)];

    var jigsawPuzzle = _puzzleService.CreateJigsawPuzzle(selectedPuzzleImageUrl);

    return new OkObjectResult(jigsawPuzzle);

The Azure Function first retrieve all the images from the Azure Blob Storage and then randomly pick one to use in the jigsaw puzzle generation.

Before it returns the puzzle images back in a jigsawPuzzle object, it also saves it into Azure Table Storage so that later when users submit their answer back, we can have another Azure Function to verify whether the users solve the puzzle correctly.

In the Azure Table Storage, we generate a GUID and then store it together with the location of the shaded area, which is randomly generated, as well as an expiry date and time so that users must solve the puzzle within a limited time.

var tableClient = new TableClient(...);


var entity = new JigsawPuzzleEntity
    PartitionKey = ...,
    RowKey = id,
    Id = id,
    X = x,
    Y = y,
    CreatedAt = createdAt,
    ExpiredAt = expiredAt


Here, GUID is used as the RowKey of the Table Storage. Hence, later when user submits his/her answer, the GUID will be sent back to the Azure Function to help locate back the corresponding record in the Table Storage.

public async Task<IActionResult> Run(
    [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = "jigsaw-puzzle")] HttpRequest req,
    ILogger log)
    log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

    var body = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
    var puzzleSubmission = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<PuzzleSubmissionViewModel>(body, new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase });

    var correspondingRecord = await _captchaStorageService.LoadAsync(puzzleSubmission.Id);


    bool isPuzzleSolved = _puzzleService.IsPuzzleSolved(...);

    var response = new Response 
        IsSuccessful = isPuzzleSolved,
        Message = isPuzzleSolved ? "The puzzle is solved" : "Sorry, time runs out or you didn't solve the puzzle"

    return new OkObjectResult(response);

Since our API is hosted as Azure Function in Consumption Plan, as shown in the screenshot below, we need to note that our code in the Function will be in the serverless mode, i.e. it effectively scales out to meet whatever load it is seeing and scales down when code isn’t running.

The Azure Function managed by the Static Web App will be in Consumption Plan.

Since the Function is in the serverless mode, we will have the issue of serverless cold start. Hence, there will be a latency that users must wait for their function, i.e. the time period starts from when an event happens to a function starts up until that function completes responding to the event. So more precisely, a cold start is an increase in latency for Functions which haven’t been called recently.

Latency will be there when Function is cold. (Image Source: Microsoft Azure Blog)

In this project, my friend feedbacked to me that he had encountered at least 15 seconds of latency to have the jigsaw puzzle loaded.

Blazor Frontend

Now we can move on to the frontend.

To show the jigsaw puzzle images when the page is loaded, we have the following code.

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
    var jigsawPuzzle = await http.GetFromJsonAsync("api/jigsaw-puzzle");
    id = jigsawPuzzle.Id;
    backgroundImage = "data:image/png;base64, " + jigsawPuzzle.BackgroundImage;
    missingPieceImage = jigsawPuzzle.MissingPieceImage;
    y = jigsawPuzzle.Y;

Take note that we don’t only get the two images but also the GUID of the jigsaw puzzle record in the Azure Table Storage so that later we can send back this information to the Azure Function for submission verification.

Here, we only return the y-axis value of the shaded area location because users are only allowed to drag the missing puzzle horizontally as discussed earlier. If you would like to increase the difficulty of the CAPTCHA by allowing users to drag the missing piece vertically as well, you can choose not to return the y-axis value.

We then have the following HTML to display the two images.

<div style="margin: 0 auto; padding-left: @(x)px; padding-top: @(y)px; width: 696px; height: 442px; background-image: url('@backgroundImage'); background-size: contain;">
    <div style="width: 88px; height: 80px; background-image: url('data:image/png;base64, @missingPieceImage');">

We also have a slider which is binded to the x variable and a button to submit both the value of the x and the GUID back to the Azure Function.

<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 696px; text-align: center;">
    <input type="range" min="0" max="608" style="width: 100%;" @bind="@x" @bind:event="oninput" />
    <button type="button" @onclick="@Submit">Submit</button>


The Submit method is as follows which will feedback to users whether they solve the jigsaw puzzle correctly or not. Here I use a toast library for Blazor done by Chris Sainty, a Microsoft MVP.

private async Task Submit()
    var submission = new PuzzleSubmissionViewModel
        Id = id,
        X = x
    var response = await http.PostAsJsonAsync("api/jigsaw-puzzle", submission);

    var responseMessage = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<Response>();

    if (responseMessage.IsSuccessful)

Now we can test how our app works!

Testing Locally

Before we can test locally, we need to provide the secrets and relevant settings to access Azure Blob Storage and Table Storage.

We first need to have a file called local.settings.json in the root of the Api project with the following content. (Remember to have “Copy to output directly” set to “copy if newer” for the file)

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "",
    "CaptchaStorageEndpoint": "...",
    "CaptchaStorageTableName": "...",
    "CaptchaStorageAccountName": "...",
    "CaptchaStorageAccessKey": "...",
    "ImageBlobStorageConnectionString": "...",
    "ImageBlobContainerName": "..."
  "Host": {
    "LocalHttpPort": 7071,
    "CORS": "*"

The CORS setting is necessary as well else our Blazor app cannot access the API when we test the web app locally. We don’t have to worry about CORS when we publish it to Azure Static Web Apps because Azure Static Web Apps will automatically configure the app so that it can communicate with the API on Azure using a reverse proxy.

In addition, please remember to exclude local.settings.json from the source control.

In the Client project, since we are going to run our Api at port 7071, we shall let the Client know too. To do so, we first need to specify the base address for local in the Program.cs of the Client project.

builder.Services.AddScoped(sp => new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.Configuration["API_Prefix"] ?? builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress) });

Then we can specify the value for API_Prefix in the appsettings.Development.json in the wwwroot folder.

    "API_Prefix": "http://localhost:7071"

Finally, please also set both Api and Client projects as the Startup Project in the Visual Studio.

Setting multiple startup projects in Visual Studio.

Deploy to Azure Static Web App

After we have created an Azure Static Web Apps resource and bound it with a GitHub Actions which monitors our GitHub repository, the workflow will automatically build and deploy our app and its API to Azure every time we commit or create pull requests into the watched branch. The steps have been described in my previous blog post about Blazor on Azure Static Web App, so I won’t repeat it here.

Since our API needs to have the information of secrets and connection settings to the Azure Storage, we need to specify them under Application Settings of the Azure Static Web App as well. The values will be accessible by API methods in the Azure Functions.

Managing the secrets in Application Settings.

Yup, that’s all for implementing a jigsaw puzzle CAPTCHA in .NET. Feel free to try it out on my Azure Static Web App and let me know your thoughts about it. Thank you!

Jigsaw puzzle CAPTCHA implementation on Blazor. (Try it here)


The code of this Blazor project described in this article can be found in my GitHub repository:

Publish a Blazor Web App as Azure Static Web App

In 2018, the web framework, Blazor, was introduced. With Blazor, we can work on web UI with C# instead of JavaScript. Blazor can run the client-side C# code directly in the browser, using WebAssembly.

When server-side rendering is not required, we can then deploy our web app on platforms such as Azure Static Web App, a service that automatically builds and deploys full stack web apps to Azure from a code repository, such as GitHub.

In this article, I will share how the website for Singapore .NET Developers Community and Azure Community is re-built as a Blazor web app and deployed to Azure.


The complete source code of this project can be found at

Blazor Web UI

The community website is very simple. It is merely a single-page website with some descriptions and photos about the community. Then it also has a section showing list of meetup videos from the community YouTube channels.

We will build the website as Blazor WebAssembly App.

Firstly, we will have the index.html defined as follows. Please take note that the code snippet below uses CSS file which is not shown in this post. The complete and updated project can be viewed on the GitHub repo.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Singapore .NET Developers Community + Azure Community</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />


    <link rel="icon" href="images/favicon.png" type="image/png">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" />

    <base href="/" />

    <div id="app">
        <div style="position:absolute; top:30vh; width:100%; text-align:center">
            <h2>Welcome to</h2>
            <div style="width: 50%; display: inline-block; height: 20px;">
                <div class="progress-line"></div>
                The website is loading...

    <div id="blazor-error-ui">
        An unhandled error has occurred.
        <a href="" class="reload">Reload</a>
        <a class="dismiss">🗙</a>

    <!-- Scripts -->


Secondly, if we hope to have a similar UI template across all the web pages in the website, then we can define the HTML template under, for example, MainLayout.razor, as shown below. This template means that the header and footer sections can be shared across different web pages.

@inherits LayoutComponentBase

<!-- Header -->
<header id="header" class="alt">
    <div class="logo"><a href="/">SG <span>.NET + Azure Dev</span></a></div>


<!-- Footer -->
<footer id="footer">
    <div class="container">
        <ul class="icons">
    <div class="copyright">
        &copy; ...

Finally, we simply need to define the @Body of each web page in their own Razor file, for example the Index.razor for the homepage.

In the Index.razor, we will fetch the data from a JSON file hosted on Azure Storage. The JSON file is periodically updated by Azure Function to fetch the latest video list from the YouTube channel of the community. Instead of using JavaScript, here we can simply write a C# code to do that directly on the Razor file of the homepage.

@code {
    private List<VideoFeed> videoFeeds = new List<VideoFeed>();

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        var allVideoFeeds = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<VideoFeed[]>("...");

        videoFeeds = allVideoFeeds.ToList();

    public class VideoFeed
        public string VideoId { get; set; }

        public Channel Channel { get; set; }

        public string Title { get; set; }

        public string Description { get; set; }

        public DateTimeOffset PublishedAt { get; set; }

    public class Channel
        public string Name { get; set; }        

Publish to Azure Static Web App from GitHub

We will have our codes ready in a GitHub repo with the following structure.

  • .github/workflows
  • DotNetCommunity.Singapore
    • Client
      • (Blazor client project here)

Next, we can proceed to create a new Azure Static Web App where we will host our website at. In the first step, we can easily link it up with our GitHub account.

We need to specify the deployment details for the Azure Static Web App.

After that, we will need to provide the Build details so that a GitHub workflow will be automatically generated. That is a GitHub Actions workflow that builds and publishes our Blazor web app. Hence, we must specify the corresponding folder paths within our GitHub repo, as shown in the screenshot below.

In the Build Details, we must setup the folder path correctly.

The “App location” is to point to the location of the source code for our Blazor web app. For the “Api location”, although we are not using it in our Blazor project now, we can still set it as follows so that in the future when we can easily setup the Api folder.

With this setup ready, whenever we update the codes in our GitHub repo via commits or pull requests, our Blazor web app will be built and deployed.

Our Blazor web app is being built in GitHub Actions.

Custom Domains

For the free version of the Azure Static web app, we are only allowed to have 2 custom domains per app. Another good news is that Azure Static Web Apps automatically provides a free SSL/TLS certificate for the auto-generated domain name and any custom domains we add.

CNAME record validation is the recommended way to add a custom domain, however, it only works for subdomains, such as “” in our case.

For root domain, which is “” in our case, by right we can do it in Azure Static Web App by using TXT record validation and an ALIAS record.

Take note that we can only create an ALIAS record if our domain provider supports it.

However, since there is currently no support of ALIAS or ANAME records in the domain provider that I am using, I have no choice but to have another Azure Function for binding “”. This is because currently there is no IP address given in Azure Static Web App but there are IP address and Custom Domain Verification ID available in Azure Function. With these two information, we can easily map an A Record to our root domain, i.e. “”.

Please take note that A Records are not supported for Consumption-based Function Apps. We must pay for the “App Service Plan” instead.

IP address and Custom Domain Verification ID on Azure Function. The root domain here is also SSL enabled.

After having the Azure Function ready, we need to perform URL redirect from “” to “”. With just a Proxy, we can create a Response Override with Status Code=302 and add a Header of Location=, as shown in the following screenshot.

HTTP 302 on Azure Function Proxy.

With all these ready, we can finally get our community website up and running at

Welcome to the Singapore .NET/Azure Developer Community at

Export SSL Certificate For Azure Function

This step is optional. I need to go through this step because I have a Azure App Service managed certificate in one subscription but Azure Function in another subscription. Hence, I need to export the SSL certificate out and then import it back to another subscription.

We can export certificate from the Key Vault Secret.

In the Key Vault Secret screen, we then need to choose the correct secret version and download the certificate, as shown in the following screenshot.

Downloading the certificate as pfx.

After that, as mentioned in an online discussion about exporting and importing Azure App Service Certificate which has no password, we shall use tool such as OpenSSL to regenerate a pfx certificate with password that Azure Function can accept with the following commands.

> openssl pkcs12 -in .\old.pfx -out old.pem -nodes

> openssl pkcs12 -export -out .\new.pfx -in old.pem

We will be prompted for a password after executing the first command. We simply press enter to proceed because the certificate, as mentioned above, has no password.

OpenSSL command prompt.

With this step done, I finally can import the cert to the Azure Function in another subscription.

Yup, that’s all for hosting our community website as a Blazor web app on Azure Static Web App!


The code of this Blazor project described in this article can be found in our community GitHub repository:

Personal OneDrive Music Player on Raspberry Pi with a Web-based Remote Control (Part 2)

There are so much things that we can build with a Raspberry Pi. It’s always my small little dream to have a personal music player that sits on my desk. In the Part 1, we already setup the music player programme which is written in Golang on Raspberry Pi successfully.

Now we need to have a web app as a remote control which will send command to the music player to play the selected song. In this article, we will talk about the web portal and how we access the OneDrive with Microsoft Graph and go-onedrive client.

[Image Caption: System design of this music player together with its web portal.]

Project GitHub Repository

The complete source code of this web-based music player remote control can be found at

Gin Web Framework

I had a discussion with Shaun Chong, the Ninja Van CTO, and I was told that they’re using Gin web framework. Hence, now I decide to try the framework out in this project as well.

Gin offers a fast router that’s easy to configure and use. For example, to serve static files, we simply need to have a folder static_files, for example, in the root of the programme together with the following one line.

router.StaticFS("/static", http.Dir("static_files"))

However, due to the fact that later I need to host this web app on Azure Function, I will not go this route. Hence, currently the following are the main handlers in the main function.


router.GET("/api/HttpTrigger/login-url", getLoginURL)
router.GET("/api/HttpTrigger/auth/logout", showLogoutPage)
router.GET("/api/HttpTrigger/auth/callback", showLoginCallbackPage)

router.GET("/api/HttpTrigger/", showMusicListPage)

router.POST("/api/HttpTrigger/send-command-to-raspberrypi", sendCommandToRaspberryPi)

The first line is to load all the HTML template files (*.tmpl.html) located in the templates folder. The templates we have include some reusable templates such as the following footer template in the file footer.tmpl.html.

<!-- Footer -->
<footer id="footer">
    <div class="container">

We can then import such reusable templates into other HTML files as shown below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        {{ template "footer.tmpl.html" . }}

After importing the templates, we have five routes defined. All of the routes start with /api/HttpTrigger is because this web app is designed to be hosted on Azure Function with a HTTP-triggered function called HttpTrigger.

The first three routes are for authentication. Then after that is one route for loading the web pages, and one handler for sending RabbitMQ message to the Raspberry Pi.

The showMusicListPage handler function will check whether the user is logged in to Microsoft account with access to OneDrive or not. It will display the homepage if the user is not logged in yet. Otherwise, if the user has logged in, it will list the music items in the user’s OneDrive Music folder.

func showMusicListPage(context *gin.Context) {
    defaultDrive, err := client.Drives.Default(context)
    if err == nil && defaultDrive.Id != "" {
        context.HTML(http.StatusOK, "music-list.tmpl.html", gin.H{ ... })

    context.HTML(http.StatusOK, "index.tmpl.html", gin.H{ ... })

Hosting Golang Application on Azure Function

There are many ways to host Golang web application on Microsoft Azure. The place we will be using in this project is Azure Function, the serverless service from Microsoft Azure.

Currently, Azure Function offers first-class support for only a limited number of programming languages, such as JavaScript, C#, Python, Java, etc. Golang is not one of them. Fortunately, in March 2020, Azure Function custom handler is announced officially even though it’s still in preview now.

The custom handler provides a lightweight HTTP server written in any language which then enables developers to bring applications, such as those written in Golang, into Azure Function.

Azure Functions custom handler overview
[Image Caption: The relationship between the Functions host and a web server implemented as a custom handler. (Image Source: Microsoft Docs – Azure)]

What is even more impressive is that for HTTP-triggered functions with no additional bindings or outputs, we can enable HTTP Request Forwarding. With this configuration, the handler in our Golang application can work directly with the HTTP requests and responses. This is all configured in the host.json of the Azure Function as shown below.

    "version": "2.0",
    "extensionBundle": {
        "id": "Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle",
"version": "[1.*, 2.0.0)"
    "customHandler": {
        "description": {
            "defaultExecutablePath": "lunar-music-webapp.exe"
        "enableForwardingHttpRequest": true

The defaultExecutablePath is pointing to the our Golang web app binary executable which is output by go build command.

So, in the wwwroot folder of the Azure Function, we should have the following items, as shown in the screenshot below.

[Image Caption: The wwwroot folder of the Azure Function.]

Since we have already enabled the HTTP Request Forwarding, we don’t have to worry about the HttpTrigger directory. Also, we don’t have to upload our web app source codes because the executable is there already. What we need to upload is just the static resources, such as our HTML template files in the templates folder.

The reason why I don’t upload other static files, such as CSS JavaScript, and image files, is that those static files can be structured to have multiple directory levels. We will encounter a challenge when we are trying to define the Route Template of the Function, as shown in the screenshot below. There is currently no way to define route template without knowing the maximum number of directory level we can have in our web app.

[Image Caption: Defining the route template in the HTTP Trigger of a function.]

Hence, I move all the CSS, JS, and image files to Azure Storage instead.

From the Route Template in the screenshot above, we can also understand why the routes in our Golang web app needs to start with /api/HttpTrigger.

Golang Client Library for OneDrive API

In this project, users will first store the music files online at their personal OneDrive Music folder. I restrict it to only the Music folder is to make the management of the music to be more organised. So it is not because there is technical challenge in getting files from other folders in OneDrive.

Referring to the Google project where they build a Golang client library for accessing the GitHub API, I have also come up with go-onedrive, a Golang client library, which is still in progress, to access the Microsoft OneDrive.

Currently, the go-onedrive only support simple API methods such as getting Drives and DriveItems. These two are the most important API methods for our web app in this project. I will continue to enhance the go-onedrive library in the future.

[Image Caption: OneDrive can access the metadata of a music file as well, so we can use API to get more info about the music.]

The go-onedrive library does not directly handle authentication. Instead, when creating a new client, we need to pass an http.Client that can handle authentication. The easiest and recommended way to do this is using the oauth2 library.

So the next thing we need to do is adding user authentication feature to our web app.

Microsoft Graph and Microsoft Identity platform

Before our web app can make requests to OneDrive, it needs users to authenticate and authorise the application to have access to their data. Currently, the official recommended way of doing so is to use Microsoft Graph, a set of REST APIs which enable us to access data on Microsoft cloud services, such as OneDrive, User, Calendar, People, etc. For more information, please refer to the YouTube video below.

So we can send HTTP GET requests to endpoints to retrieve information from OneDrive, for example /me/drives will return the default drive of the currently authenticated user.

Generally, to access OneDrive API, developers are recommend to use the standard OAuth 2.0 authorisation framework with the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint. This is where we will talk about the new Microsoft Identity Platform, which is the recommended way for accessing Microsoft Graph APIs.  Microsoft Identity Platform allows developers to build applications that sign in users, get tokens to call the APIs, as shown in the diagram below.

Microsoft identity platform today
[Image Caption: Microsoft Identity Platform experience. (Image Source: Microsoft Docs – Azure)]

By the way, according to Microsoft, the support for ADAL will come to an end in June 2022. So it’s better to do the necessary migration if you are still using the v1.0. Currently, the Golang oauth2 package is already using the Microsoft Identity Platform endpoints.

[Image Caption: Microsoft Identity Platform endpoints are used in the Golang OAuth2 package since December 2017.]

Now the first step we need to do is to register an Application with Microsoft on the Azure Portal. From there, we can get both the Client ID and the Client Secret (secret is now available under the “Certificates & secrets” section of the Application).

After that, we need to find out the authentication scopes to use so that the correct access type is granted when the user is signed in from our web app.

With those information available, we can define the OAuth2 configuration as follows in our web app.

var oauthConfig = &oauth2.Config{
    RedirectURL:  AzureADCallbackURL,
    ClientID:     AzureADClientID,
    ClientSecret: AzureADClientSecret,
    Scopes:       []string{" offline_access"},
    Endpoint:     microsoft.AzureADEndpoint("common"),

The “” scope is to grant read-only permission to all OneDrive files of the logged in user. By the way, to check the Applications that you are given access to so far in Microsoft Account, you can refer to the consent management page of Microsoft Account.

Access Token, Refresh Token, and Cookie

The “offline_access” scope is used here because we need a refresh token that can be used to generate additional access tokens as necessary. However, please take note that this “offline_access” scope is not available for the Token Flow. Hence, what we can only use is the Code Flow, which is described in the following diagram.

Authorization Code Flow Diagram
[Image Caption: The Code Flow. (Image Source: Microsoft Docs – OneDrive Developer)]

Hence, this explains why we have the following codes in the /auth/callback, which is the Redirect URL of our registered Application. What the codes do is to get the access token and refresh token from the /token endpoint using the auth code returned from the /authorize endpoint.

r := context.Request
code := r.FormValue("code")

response, err := http.PostForm(
        "client_id":     {AzureADClientID},
        "redirect_uri":  {AzureADCallbackURL},
        "client_secret": {AzureADClientSecret},
        "code":          {code},
        "grant_type":    {"authorization_code"}

Here, we cannot simply decode the response body into the oauth2.Token yet. This is because the JSON in the response body from the Azure AD token endpoint only has expires_in but not expiry. So it does not have any field that can map to the Expiry field in oauth2.Token. Without Expiry, the refresh_token will never be used, as highlighted in the following screenshot.

[Image Caption: Even though the Expiry is optional but without it, refresh token will not be used.]

Hence, we must have our own struct tokenJSON defined so that we can first decode the response body to tokenJSON and then convert it to oauth2.Token with value in the Expiry field before passing the token to the go-onedrive client. By doing so, the access token will be automatically refreshed as necessary.

Finally, we just need to store the token in cookies using gorilla/securecookie which will encode authenticated and encrypted cookie as shown below.

encoded, err := s.Encode(ACCESS_AND_REFRESH_TOKENS_COOKIE_NAME, token)
if err == nil {
    cookie := &http.Cookie{
        Value: encoded,
        Path: "/",
        Secure: true,
        HttpOnly: true,
        SameSite: http.SameSiteStrictMode,
    http.SetCookie(context.Writer, cookie)

Besides encryption, we also enable both Secure and HttpOnly attributes so that the cookie is sent securely and is not accessed by unintended parties or JavaScript Document.cookie API. The SameSite attribute also makes sure the cookie above not to be sent with cross-origin requests and thus provides some protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.

Microsoft Graph Explorer

For testing purposes, there is an official tool known as the Graph Explorer. It’s a tool that lets us make requests and see responses against the Microsoft Graph. From the Graph Explorer, we can also retrieve the Access Token and use it on other tools such as Postman to do further testing.

[Image Caption: Checking the response returned from calling the get DriveItems API.]

Azure Front door

In additional, Azure Front Door is added between the web app and the user in order to give us convenience in managing the global routing for the traffic to our web app.

The very first reason why I use Azure Front Door is also because I want to hide the /api/HttpTrigger part from the URL. This can be done by setting the custom forwarding path which points to the /api/HttpTrigger/ with URL rewrite enabled, as shown in the screenshot below.

[Image Caption: Setting the route details for the Rules Engine in Azure Front Door.]

In the screenshot above, we also notice a field called Backend Pool. A backend pool is a set of equivalent backends to which Front Door load balances your client requests. In our project, this will be the Azure Function that we’ve created above. Hence, in the future, when we have deployed the same web app to multiple Azure Functions so that Azure Front Door can help us to do load balancing.

Finally, Azure Front Door also provides a feature called Session Affinity which enables direct subsequent traffic from a user session to the same application backend for processing using Front Door generated cookies. This feature can be useful if we are building a stateful applications.

Final Product

Let’s take a look what it looks like after we’ve deployed the web app above and uploaded some music to the OneDrive. The web app is accessible through the Azure Front Door URL now at

[Image Caption: My playlist based on my personal OneDrive Music folder.]

Yup, that’s all. I finally have a personal music entertainment system on Raspberry Pi. =)


The code of the music player described in this article can be found in my GitHub repository:

If you would like to find out more about Microsoft Identity Platform, you can also refer to the talk below given by Christos Matskas, Microsoft Senior Program Manager. Enjoy!