Look at Me! Webcam Recording with .NET 5 WinForms

Fun fact: Scott Hanselman did a similar project where he was using WIA in 2006.

Project GitHub Repository

The complete source code of this project can be found at https://github.com/goh-chunlin/WebcamWinForm.

Project Introduction

In 2017, inspired by “How to use a web cam in C# with .NET Framework 4.0 and Microsoft Expression Encoder 4”, a project on Code Project by Italian software developer Massimo Conti, I built a simple demo to show how we can connect C# Windows Form with a webcam to record both video and audio.

Few weeks ago, I noticed that actually back in 2019, GitHub had already informed me that some libraries that I used in the project need to be looked into because there is a potential security vulnerability. Meanwhile, in the keynote of .NET Conf 2020, there is a highlight of WinForms. Hence, taking this opportunity, I decided to upgrade the project to use .NET 5 and also to replace the deprecated libraries in the project.

Scott Hunter and Scott Hanselman shared about how we could modernise our WinForms apps during .NET Conf 2020 keynote session.

In this article, I will share some of the issues that I encountered in the journey of modernising the WinForms app and how I fixed them.

Disappearance of Microsoft Expression Encoder

Previously, we relied a lot on Microsoft Expression Encoder to do the video and audio recording. It is very easy to use. However, after its 4th version released in March 2016, Microsoft no longer upgraded the package. Soon after that, the Microsoft.Expression.Encoder NuGet package is marked as deprecated and later unlisted from the NuGet website.

Goodbye, Microsoft Expression Encoder.

So now we need to find alternatives to perform the following three tasks which were previously done easily using Microsoft.Expression.Encoder library.

  • Listing the devices for video and audio on the machine;
  • Recording video;
  • Recording audio.

What Devices Are Available?

Sometimes our machine has more than one webcam devices connected to it. So, how do we locate the devices in our application?

Here, we will need to use another Microsoft multimedia API which is called the DirectShow. Thankfully, there is a latest DirectShow NuGet package for .NET Standard 2.0 available, so we will just be using it in the project.

Using DirectShow, we can then list out the available video and audio devices on our machine. For example, we can iterate through the list of video devices with the following codes.

var videoDevices = new 

foreach (var device in videoDevices)

If we would like to get the audio devices, we just need to filter the devices with FilterCategory.AudioInputDevice.

The video source is important because we need to later use it to specify which webcam we will be using for recording.

In fact, we can simply use DirectShow to do both video and audio recording. However, I find it to be too troublesome, so let’s choose another easier route, which is using OpenCV, BasicAudio, and FFMpeg for the recording instead.

Recording Video with OpenCV

There is an OpenCV wrapper for .NET available. To use OpenCV for video recording, we first need to pass in the device index. Conveniently, the device index corresponds to the order of the devices returned from the DirectShow library. Hence, we can now directly do the following.

int deviceIndex = ddlVideoDevices.SelectedIndex;
capture = new VideoCapture(deviceIndex);

outputVideo = new VideoWriter("video.mp4", FourCC.HEVC, 29, new OpenCvSharp.Size(640, 480));

The video recording will be stored in a file called video.mp4.

The second parameter in VideoWriter is the FourCC (an identifier for a video codec) used to compress the frames. Previously, I was using Intel Iyuv codec and the generated video file is always too huge. Hence, I later changed to use HEVC (High Efficient Video Coding, aka H.265) codec. In the Bitmovin Video Developer Report 2019, HEVC is used by 43% of video developers, and is the second most widely used video coding format after AVC.

The third parameter is the FPS. Here we use 29 because after a few round of experiments, we realise the video generated under FPS of 29 has the real speed and will sync with the audio recording later.

The actual recording takes place in a timer which has interval of 17ms. Hence its Tick method will be triggered 58.82 times per second. In the Tick method, we will capture the video frame and then convert it to bitmap so that it can be shown on the application. Finally, we also write the video frame to the VideoWriter.

frame = new Mat();
if (imageAlternate == null)
isUsingImageAlternate = true;
imageAlternate = BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(frame);
else if (image == null)
isUsingImageAlternate = false;
image = BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(frame);

pictureBox1.Image = isUsingImageAlternate ? imageAlternate : image;


As you notice in the code above, the image being shown in the pictureBox1 will come from either imageAlternate or image. The reason of doing this swap is so that I can dispose the Bitmap and prevent memory leak. This method was suggested by Rahul and Kennyzx on the Stack Overflow discussion.

Recording Audio with BasicAudio

Since OpenCV only takes care of the video part, we need another library to help us record the audio. The library that we choose here is BasicAudio, which provides audio recording for Windows desktop applications. In November 2020, .NET 5 support was added to this library as well.

Currently, BasicAudio will pick the current audio device. Hence, we don’t need to worry about choosing audio device. We simply need the following code to start/stop the audio recording.

audioRecorder = new Recording();
audioRecorder.Filename = "sound.wav";

I’ve also found an interesting video where InteropService is used to directly send commands to an MCI device to do audio recording. I haven’t tried it successfully. However, if you would like to play around with it, feel free to check out the following video.

Merging Video and Audio into One File

Due to the fact that we have one video file and one audio file, we need to merge them into one single multimedia file for convenience. Fortunately, FFmpeg can do that easily. There is also a .NET Standard FFmpeg/FFprobe wrapper available which allows us to merge video and audio file with just one line of code.

FFMpeg.ReplaceAudio("video.mp4", "sound.wav", "output.mp4", true);

The last parameter is set to true so that if video file is shorter than the audio file, then the output file will use the video length; otherwise, it will follow the audio length.

However, to make this line of code to work, we must first have FFmpeg installed on our machine, as shown in the screenshot below.

Uploading the Multimedia File to Azure Blob Storage

This is just a bonus feature added in this project. The previous version of the project also had this feature but it was using the WindowsAzure.Storage library which had been deprecated since year 2018. I have upgraded the project now to use Azure.Storage.Blobs.

With all these done, we can finally get a webcam recording function on our WinForms application, as shown in the screenshot below.

The Azure Blob Storage connection string is left blank here so the recording will be saved only to local disk.


The code described in this article can be found in my GitHub repository: https://github.com/goh-chunlin/WebcamWinForm.

Building a Healthcare Dashboard with FAST Framework and Azure API for FHIR

In our previous article, we have successfully imported realistic but not real patient data into the database in our Azure API for FHIR. Hence, the next step we would like to go through in this article is how to write a user-friendly dashboard to show those healthcare data.

For frontend, there are currently many open-source web frontend frameworks for us to choose from. For example, in our earlier project of doing COVID-19 dashboard, we used the Material Design from Google.

In this project, in order to make our healthcare dashboard to be consistent with other Microsoft web apps, we will be following Microsoft design system.

For the backend of the dashboard, we will be using ASP .NET Core 3.1 because even though Michael Hansen provided a sample on GitHub about how to write client app to consume Azure API for FHIR, it is a JavaScript app. So I think another sample on how to do it with ASP .NET Core will be helpful to other developers as well.

🎨 The architecture of the system we are going to setup in this article. 🎨

FAST Framework and Web Components

Last week on 7th July, Rob Eisenberg from Microsoft introduced the FAST Framework during the .NET Community Standup. The FAST Framework, where FAST stands for Functional, Adaptive, Secure, and Timeless, is an adaptive interface system for modern web experiences.

In web app development projects, we always come to situations where we need to add a button, a dropdown, a checkbox to our web apps. If we are working in a large team, then issues like UI consistency across different web apps which might be built using different frontend frameworks are problems that we need to solve. So what FAST Framework excites me is solving the problem with Web Components that can be used with any different frontend frameworks.

🎨 Rob Eisenberg’s (left most) first appearance on Jon Galloway’s (right most) .NET Community Standup with Daniel Roth (top most) and Steve Sanderson from the Blazor team. (Source: YouTube) 🎨

All modern browsers now support Web Components. The term Web Components basically refers to a suite of different technologies allowing us to create reusable custom elements — with their functionality encapsulated away from the rest of our code — and utilise them in our web apps. Hence, using Web Components in our web app increases reusability, testability, and reliability in our codes.

Web Components can be integrated well with major frontend frameworks, such as Angular, Blazor, Vue, etc. We can drop Web Components easily to ASP .NET web projects too and we are going to do that in our healthcare dashboard project.

FAST Design System Provider

Another cool thing in FAST Framework is that it comes with a component known as the Design System Provider which provides us a convenient mechanisms to surface the design system values to UI components and change values where desired.

In the FAST Framework, the Web Component that corresponds to the design system provider is called the FASTDesignSystemProvider. Its design system properties can be easily overridden by just setting the value of the corresponding property in the provider. For example, by simply changing the background of the FASTDesignSystemProvider from light to dark, it will automatically switch from the light mode to the dark mode where corresponding colour scheme will be applied.

🎨 FAST Framework allows our web apps to easily switch between light and dark modes. 🎨

UI Fabric and Fluent UI Core

In August 2015, Microsoft released the GA of Office UI Fabric on GitHub. The goal of having Office UI Fabric is to provide the frontend developers a mobile-first responsive frontend framework, similar like Bootstrap, to create the web experiences.

The Office UI Fabric speaks the Office Design Language. As long as you use any Office-powered web app, such as Outlook or OneDrive, the Office web layout should be very familiar to you. So by using the Office UI Fabric, we can easily make our web apps to have Office-like user interface and user experience.

🎨 OneDrive web with the Office design. 🎨

In order to deliver a more coherent and productive experience, Microsoft later released Fluent Framework, another cross-platform design system. Also, to move towards the goal of simplified developer ecosystem, Office UI Fabric later evolved into Fluent UI as well in March 2020.

Fluent UI can be used in both web and mobile apps. For web platform, it comes with two options, i.e. Fabric UI React and Fabric Core.

Fabric UI React is meant for React application while Fabric Core is provided primarily for non-React web apps or static web pages. Since our healthcare dashboard will be built on top of ASP .NET Core 3.1, Fabric Core is sufficient in our project.

However, due to some components, such as ms-Navbar and ms-Table, are still only available in Office UI Fabric but not the Fabric Core, our healthcare dashboard will use both the CSS libraries.

Azure CDN

A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a distributed network of servers that work together to provide fast delivery of the Internet content. Normally, they are distributed across the globe so that the content can be accessed by the users based on their geographic locations so that users around the world can view the same high-quality content without slow loading time. Hence, it is normally recommended to use CDN to serve all our static files.

Another reason of us not to host static files in our web servers is that we would like to avoid extra HTTP requests to our web servers just to load only the static files such as images and CSS.

Fortunately, Azure has a service called Azure CDN which will be able to offer us a global CDN to store cached content on edge servers in the point-of-presence locations that are close to end users, to minimise latency.

To use Azure CDN, firstly, we need to store all the necessary static files in the container of our Storage account. We will be using back the same Storage account that we are using to store the realistic but not real patient data generated by Synthea(TM).

Secondly, we proceed to create Azure CDN.

Thirdly, we add an endpoint to the Azure CDN, as shown in the following screenshot, to point to the container that stores all our static files.

🎨 The origin path of the CDN endpoint is pointing to the container storing the static files. 🎨

Finally, we can access the static files with the Azure CDN endpoint. For example, to get the Office Fabric UI css, we will use the following URL.


There is already a very clear quick-start tutorial on Microsoft Docs that you can refer to if you are interested to find out more about the integration of Azure CDN with Azure Storage.

Options Pattern in ASP .NET Core

Similar as the Azure Function we deployed in the previous article, we will send GET request to different endpoints in the Azure API for FHIR to request for different resources. However, before we are able to do that, we need to get Access Token from the Azure Active Directory first. The steps to do so have been summarised in the same previous article as well.

Since we need application settings such as Authority, Audience, Client ID, and Client Secret to retrieve the access token, we will store them in appsettings.Development.json for local debugging purpose. When we later deploy the dashboard web app to Azure Web App, we will store the settings in the Application Settings.

Then instead of reading from the setting file directly using the IConfiguration, here we would choose to use Options pattern which enable us to provide strongly typed access to groups of related settings and thus provide also a mechanism to validate the configuration data. For example, the settings we have in our appsettings.Development.json is as follows.

    "Logging": { 
    "AzureApiForFhirSetting": { 
        "Authority": "...", 
        "Audience": "...", 
        "ClientId": "...", 
        "ClientSecret": "..." 

We will then create a class which will be used to bind to the AzureApiForFhirSettings.

public class AzureApiForFhirSetting { 
    public string Authority { get; set; }
    public string Audience { get; set; }
    public string ClientId { get; set; }
    public string ClientSecret { get; set; } 

Finally, to setup the binding, we will need to add the following line in Startup.cs.

// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. 
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) 

After that, we will apply dependency injection of IOption to the classes that we need to use the configuration, as shown in the following example.

public class AzureApiForFhirService : IAzureApiForFhirService 
    private readonly AzureApiForFhirSetting _azureApiForFhirSetting; 

    public AzureApiForFhirService(IOptions<AzureApiForFhirSetting> azureApiForFhirSettingAccessor) 
        _azureApiForFhirSetting = azureApiForFhirSettingAccessor.Value; 


Once we can get the access token, we will be able to access the Azure API for FHIR. Let’s see some of the endpoints the API has.

Azure API for FHIR: The Patient Endpoint

To retrieve all the patients in the database, it’s very easy. We simply need to send a GET request to the /patient endpoint. By default, the number of records returned by the API is 10 at most. To retrieve the next 10 records, we need to send another GET request to another URL link returned by the API, as highlighted in the red box in the following example screenshot.

🎨 The “self” URL is the API link for the current 10 records. 🎨

Once we have all the patients, we then can list them out in a nice table designed with Office UI Fabric, as shown in the following screenshot.

🎨 Listing all the patients in the Azure API for FHIR database. 🎨

When we click on the link “View Profile” of a record, we then can get more details about the selected patient. To retrieve the info of a particular patient, we need to pass the ID to the /patient endpoint, as shown in the following screenshot, which is highlighted in a red box.

🎨 Getting the info of a patient with his/her ID. 🎨

Where can we get the patient’s ID? The ID is returned, for example, when we get the list of all patients.

So after we click on the “View Profile”, we will then be able to reach a Patient page which shows more details about the selected patient, as shown in the following screenshot.

🎨 We can also get the address together with its geolocation data of a patient. 🎨

Azure API for FHIR: The Other Endpoints

There are many resources available in the Azure API for FHIR. Patient is one of them. Besides, we also have Condition, Encounter, Observation, and so on.

To get entries from the endpoints corresponding to the three resources listed above is quite straightforward. However, if we directly send a GET request to, let’s say, /condition, what we will get is all the Condition records of all the patients in the database.

In order to filter based on the patient, we need to add a query string called patient to the endpoint URL, for example /condition?patient=, and then we append the patient ID to the URL.

Then we will be able to retrieve the resources of that particular patient, as shown in the following screenshot.

🎨 It’s interesting to see COVID-19 test record can already be generated in Synthea. 🎨

So far I have only tried the four endpoints. The /observation endpoint is very tricky because the values that it return can be most of the time a single number for a measurement. However, it will also returns two numbers or text for some other measurement. Hence, I have to do some if-else checks on the returned values from the /observation endpoint.

🎨 The SARS-Cov-2 testing result is returned as a text instead of number. 🎨

Source Code of the Dashboard

That’s all for the healthcare dashboard that I have built so far. There are still many exciting features we can expect to see after we have integrated with the Azure API for FHIR.

So, if you would like to check out my codes, the dashboard project is now available on GitHub at https://github.com/goh-chunlin/Lunar.HealthcareDashboard. Feel free to raise issue or PR to the project.

Together, we learn better.