Processing S3 Data before Returning It with Object Lambda (version 2024)

We use Amazon S3 to store data for easy sharing among various applications. However, each application has its unique requirements and might require a different perspective on the data. To solve this problem, at times, we store additional customised datasets of the same data, ensuring that each application has its own unique dataset. This sometimes creates another set of problems because we now need to maintain additional datasets.

In March 2021, a new feature known as S3 Object Lambda was introduced. Similar to the idea of setting up a proxy layer in front of S3 to intercept and process data as it is requested, Object Lambda uses AWS Lambda functions to automatically process and transform your data as it is being retrieved from S3. With Object Lambda, we only need to change our apps to use the new S3 Object Lambda Access Point instead of the actual bucket name to retrieve data from S3.

Simplified architecture diagram showing how S3 Object Lambda works.

Example: Turning JSON to Web Page with S3 Object Lambda

I have been keeping details of my visits to medical centres as well as the treatments and medicines I received in a JSON file. So, I would like to take this opportunity to show how S3 Object Lambda can help in doing data processing.

The JSON file looks something as follows.

"visits": [
"medicalCentreName": "Tan Tock Seng Hospital",
"centreType": "hospital",
"visitStartDate": {
"year": 2024,
"month": 3,
"day": 24
"visitEndDate": {
"year": 2024,
"month": 4,
"day": 19
"purpose": "",
"treatments": [
"name": "Antibiotic Meixam(R) 500 Cloxacillin Sodium",
"type": "medicine",
"amount": "100ml per doese every 4 hours",
"startDate": {
"year": 2024,
"month": 3,
"day": 26
"endDate": {
"year": 2024,
"month": 4,
"day": 19

In this article, I will show the steps I took to setup the S3 Object Lambda architecture for this use case.

Step 1: Building the Lambda Function

Before we begin, we need to take note that the maximum duration for a Lambda function used by S3 Object Lambda is 60 seconds.

We need a Lambda Function to do the data format transformation from JSON to HTML. To keep things simple, we will be developing the Function using Python 3.12.

Object Lambda does not need any API Gateway since it should be accessed via the S3 Object Lambda Access Point.

In the beginning, we can have the code as follows. The code basically does two things. Firstly, it performs some logging. Secondly, it reads the JSON file from S3 Bucket.

import json
import os
import logging
import boto3
from urllib import request
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from types import SimpleNamespace

logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, os.getenv('LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO')))

s3_client = boto3.client('s3')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
object_context = event["getObjectContext"]
# Get the presigned URL to fetch the requested original object from S3
s3_url = object_context["inputS3Url"]
# Extract the route and request token from the input context
request_route = object_context["outputRoute"]
request_token = object_context["outputToken"]

# Get the original S3 object using the presigned URL
req = request.Request(s3_url)
response = request.urlopen(req)
responded_json =
except Exception as err:
logger.error(f'Exception reading S3 content: {err}')
return {'status_code': 500}

json_object = json.loads(responded_json, object_hook=lambda d: SimpleNamespace(**d))

visits = json_object.visits

html = ''

Body = html,
ContentType = 'text/html',
RequestRoute = request_route,
RequestToken = request_token)

return {'status_code': 200}
Step 1.1: Getting the JSON File with Presigned URL

In the event that an Object Lambda receives, there is a property known as the getObjectContext, which contains useful information for us to figure out the inputS3Url, which is the presigned URL of the object in S3.

By default, all S3 objects are private and thus for a Lambda Function to access the S3 objects, we need to configure the Function to have S3 read permissions to retrieve the objects. However, with the presigned URL, the Function can get the object without the S3 read permissions.

In the code above, we can retrieve the JSON file from the S3 using its presigned URL. After that we parse the JSON file content with json.loads() method and convert it into a JSON object with SimpleNamespace. Thus the variable visits now should have all the visits data from the original JSON file.

Step 1.2: Call WriteGetObjectResponse

Since the purpose of Object Lambda is to process and transform our data as it is being retrieved from S3, we need to pass transformed object to a GetObject operation in the Function via the method write_get_object_response. Without this method, there will be an error from the Lambda complaining that it is missing.

Error: The Lambda exited without successfully calling WriteGetObjectResponse.

The method write_get_object_response requires two compulsory parameters, i.e. RequestRoute and RequestToken. Both of them are available from the property getObjectContext under the name outputRoute and outputToken.

Step 1.3: Get the HTML Template from S3

To make our Lambda code cleaner, we will not write the entire HTML there. Instead, we keep a template of the web page in another S3 bucket.

Now, the architecture above will be improved to include second S3 bucket which will provide web page template and other necessary static assets.

Introducing second S3 bucket for storing HTML template and other assets.

Now, we will replace the line html = '' earlier with the Python code below.

    template_response = s3_client.get_object(
Bucket = 'lunar.medicalrecords.static',
Key = 'medical-records.html'

template_object_data = template_response['Body'].read()
template_content = template_object_data.decode('utf-8')

dynamic_table = f"""
<table class="table accordion">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col">Medical Centre</th>
<th scope="col">From</th>
<th scope="col">To</th>
<th scope="col">Purpose</th>


html = template_content.replace('{{DYNAMIC_TABLE}}', dynamic_table)

Step 2: Give Lambda Function Necessary Permissions

With the setup we have gone through above, we understand that our Lambda Function needs to have the following permissions.

  • s3-object-lambda:WriteGetObjectResponse
  • s3:GetObject

Step 3: Create S3 Access Point

Next, we will need to create a S3 Access Point. It will be used to support the creation of the S3 Object Lambda Access Point later.

One of the features that S3 Access Point offers is that we can specify any name that is unique within the account and region. For example, as shown in the screenshot below, we can actually have a “lunar-medicalrecords” access point in every account and region.

Creating an access point from the navigation pane of S3.

When we are creating the access point, we need to specify the bucket which resides in the same region that we want to use with this Access Point. In addition, since we are not restricting the access of it to only a specific VPC in our case, we will be choosing “Internet” for the “Network origin” field.

After that, we keep all other defaults as is. We can directly proceed to choose the “Create access point” button.

Our S3 Access Point is successfully created.

Step 4: Create S3 Object Lambda Access Point

After getting our S3 Access Point set up, we can then move on to create our S3 Object Lambda Access Point. This is the actual access point that our app will be using to access the JSON file in our S3 bucket. It then should return a HTML document generated by the Object Lambda that we built in Step 1.

Creating an object lambda access point from the navigation pane of S3.

In the Object Lambda Access Point creation page, after we give it a name, we need to provide the Supporting Access Point. This access point is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 Access Point that we created in Step 3. Please take note that both the Object Lambda Access Point and Supporting Access Point must be in the same region.

Next we need to setup the transformation configuration. In our case, we will be retrieving the JSON file from the S3 bucket to perform the data transformation via our Lambda Function, so we will be choosing GetObject as the S3 API we will be using, as shown in the screenshot below.

Configuring the S3 API that will be used in the data transformation and the Lambda Function to invoke.

Once all these fields are keyed in, we can proceed to create the Object Lambda Access Point.

Now, we will access the JSON file via the Object Lambda Access Point to verify that the file is really transformed into a web page during the request. To do so, firstly, we need to select the newly create Object Lambda Access Point as shown in the following screenshot.

Locate the Object Lambda Access Point we just created in the S3 console.

Secondly, we will be searching for our JSON file, for example chunlin.json in my case. Then, we will click on the “Open” button to view it. The reason why I name the JSON file containing my medical records is because later I will be adding authentication and authorisation to only allow users retrieving their own JSON file based on their login user name.

This page looks very similar to the usual S3 objects listing page. So please make sure you are doing this under the “Object Lambda Access Point”.

There will be new tab opened showing the web page as demonstrated in the screenshot below. As you have noticed in the URL, it is still pointing to the JSON file but the returned content is a HTML web page.

The domain name is actually no longer the usual S3 domain name but it is our Object Lambda Access Point.

Using the Object Lambda Access Point from Our App

With the Object Lambda Access Point successfully setup, we will show how we can use it. To not overcomplicate things, for the purposes of this article, I will host a serverless web app on Lambda which will be serving the medical record website above.

In addition, since Lambda Functions are by default not accessible from the Internet, we will be using API Gateway so that we can have a custom REST endpoint in the AWS and thus we can map this endpoint to the invokation of our Lambda Function. Technically speaking, the architecture diagram now looks as follows.

This architecture allows public to view the medical record website which is hosted as a serverless web app.

In the newly created Lambda, we will still be developing it with Python 3.12. We name this Lambda lunar-medicalrecords-frontend. We will be using the following code which will retrieve the HTML content from the Object Lambda Access Point.

import json
import os
import logging
import boto3

logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, os.getenv('LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO')))

s3_client = boto3.client('s3')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
bucket_name = 'ol-lunar-medicalreco-t5uumihstu69ie864td6agtnaps1a--ol-s3'
object_key = 'chunlin.json'

response = s3_client.get_object(

object_data = response['Body'].read()
object_string = object_data.decode('utf-8')

return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': object_string,
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'

except Exception as err:
return {
'statusCode': 500,
'body': json.dumps(str(err))

As shown in the code above, we are still using the same function get_object from the S3 client to retrieve the JSON file, chunlin.json. However, instead of providing the bucket name, we will be using the Object Lambda Access Point Alias, which is located at the S3 Object Lambda Access Points listing page.

This is where we can find the Object Lambda Access Point Alias.

You can read more about the Boto3 get_object documentation to understand more about its Bucket parameter.

The Boto3 documentation highlights the use of Object Lambda Access Point in get_object.

The API Gateway for the Lambda Function is created with HTTP API through the “Add Trigger” function (which is located at the Function overview page). For the Security field, we will be choosing “Open” for now. We will add the login functionality later.

Adding API Gateway as a trigger to our Lambda.

Once this is done, we will be provided an API Gateway endpoint, as shown in the screenshot below. Visiting the endpoint should be rendering the same web page listing the medical records as we have seen above.

Getting the API endpoint of the API Gateway.

Finally, for the Lambda Function permission, we only need to grand it the following.

  • s3:GetObject.

To make the API Gateway endpoint looks more user friendly, we can also introduce Custom Domain to the API Gateway, following the guide in one of our earlier posts.

Assigned to our API Gateway.

Protecting Data with Cognito

In order to ensure that only authenticated and authorised users can access their own medical records, we need to securely control access to our the app with the help from Amazon Cognito. Cognito is a service that enables us to add user sign-in and access control to our apps quickly and easily. Hence it helps authenticate and authorise users before they can access the medical records.

Step 1: Setup Amazon Cognito

To setup Cognito, firstly, we need to configure the User Pool by specifying sign-in options. User pool is a managed user directory service that provides authentication and user management capabilities for our apps. It enables us to offload the complexity of user authentication and management to AWS.

Configuring sign-in options and user name requirements.

Please take note that Cognito user pool sign-in options cannot be changed after the user pool has been created. Hence, kindly think carefully during the configuration.

Configuring password policy.

Secondly, we need to configure password policy and choose whether to enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

By default, Cognito comes with a password policy that ensures our users maintain a password with a minimum length and complexity. For password reset, it will also generate a temporary password to the user which will expire in 7 days, by default.

MFA adds an extra layer of security to the authentication process by requiring users to provide additional verification factors to gain access to their accounts. This reduces the risk of unauthorised access due to compromised passwords.

Enabling MFA in our Cognito user pool.

As shown in the screenshot above, one of the methods is called TOTP. TOTP stands for Time-Based One-Time Password. It is a form of multi-factor authentication (MFA) where a temporary passcode is generated by the authenticator app, adding a layer of security beyond the typical username and password.

Thirdly, we will be configuring Cognito to allow user account recovery as well as new user registration. Both of these by default require email delivery. For example, when users request an account recovery code, an email with the code should be sent to the user. Also, when there is a new user signing up, there should be emails sent to verify and confirm the new account of the user. So, how do we handle the email delivery?

We can choose to send email with Cognito in our development environment.

Ideally, we should be setting up another service known as Amazon SES (Simple Email Service), an email sending service provided by AWS, to deliver the emails. However, for testing purpose, we can choose to use Cognito default email address as well. This approach is normally only suitable for development purpose because we can only use it to send up to 50 emails a day.

Finally, we will be using the hosted authentication pages for user sign-in and sign-up, as demonstrated below.

Using hosted UI so that we can have a simple frontend ready for sign-in and sign-up.

Step 2: Register Our Web App in Cognito

To integrate our app with Cognito, we still need to setup the app client. An App Client is a configuration entity that allows our app to interact with the user pool. It is essentially an application-specific configuration that defines how users will authenticate and interact with our user pool. For example, we have setup a new app client for our medical records app as shown in the following screenshot.

We customise the hosetd UI with our logo and CSS.

As shown in the screenshot above, we are able to to specify customisation settings for the built-in hosted UI experience. Please take note that we are only able to customise the look-and-feel of the default “login box”, so we cannot modify the layout of the entire hosted UI web page, as demonstrated below.

The part with gray background cannot be customised with the CSS.

In the setup of the app client above, we have configured the callback URL to /authy-callback. So where does this lead to? It actually points to a new Lambda function which is in charge of the authentication.

Step 3: Retrieve Access Token from Cognito Token Endpoint

Here, Cognito uses the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow. Hence, after successful authentication, Cognito redirects the user back to the specified callback URL with an authorisation code included in the query string with the name code. Our authentication Lambda function thus needs to makes a back-end request to the Cognito token endpoint, including the authorisation code, client ID, and redirect URI to exchange the authorisation code for an access token, refresh token, and ID token.

Client ID can be found under the “App client information” section.
auth_code = event['queryStringParameters']['code']

token_url = ""
client_id = "<client ID to be found in AWS Console>"
callback_url = ""

params = {
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"client_id": client_id,
"code": auth_code,
"redirect_uri": callback_url

http = urllib3.PoolManager()
tokens_response = http.request_encode_body(
encode_multipart = False,
fields = params,
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})

token_data =
tokens = json.loads(token_data)

As shown in the code above, the token endpoint URL for a Cognito user pool generally follows the following structure.


A successful response from the token endpoint typically is a JSON object which includes:

  • access_token: Used to access protected resources;
  • id_token: Contains identity information about the user;
  • refresh_token: Used to obtain new access tokens;
  • expires_in: Lifetime of the access token in seconds.

Hence we can retrieve the medical records if there is an access_token but return an “HTTP 401 Unauthorized” response if there is no access_token returned.

if 'access_token' not in tokens:
return {
'statusCode': 401,
'body': get_401_web_content(),
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'

access_token = tokens['access_token']

return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': get_web_content(access_token),
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'

The function get_401_web_content is responsible to retrieve a static web page showing 401 error message from the S3 bucket and return it to the frontend, as shown in the code below.

def get_401_web_content():
bucket_name = 'lunar.medicalrecords.static'
object_key = '401.html'

response = s3_client.get_object(

object_data = response['Body'].read()
content = object_data.decode('utf-8')

return content

Step 4: Retrieve Content Based on Username

For the get_web_content function, we will be passing the access token to the Lambda that we developed earlier to retrieve the HTML content from the Object Lambda Access Point. As shown in the following code, we invoke the Lambda function synchronously and wait for the response.

def get_web_content(access_token):
useful_tokens = {
'access_token': access_token

lambda_response = lambda_client.invoke(

lambda_response_payload = lambda_response['Payload'].read().decode('utf-8')

web_content = (json.loads(lambda_response_payload))['body']

return web_content

In the Lambda function lunar-medicalrecords-frontend, we will no longer need to hardcode the object key as chunlin.json. Instead, we can just retrieve the user name from the Cognito using the access token, as highlighted in bold in the code below.

import boto3

cognito_idp_client = boto3.client('cognito-idp')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
if 'access_token' not in event:
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': get_homepage_web_content(),
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'

cognitio_response = cognito_idp_client.get_user(AccessToken = event['access_token'])

username = cognitio_response['Username']

bucket_name = 'ol-lunar-medicalreco-t5uumihstu69ie864td6agtnaps1a--ol-s3'
object_key = f'{username}.json'


except Exception as err:
return {
'statusCode': 500,
'body': json.dumps(str(err))

The get_homepage_web_content function above basically is to retrieve a static homepage from the S3 bucket. It is similar to how the get_401_web_content function above works.

The homepage comes with a Login button redirecting users to Hosted UI of our Cognito app client.

Step 5: Store Access Token in Cookies

We need to take note that the auth_code above in the OAuth 2.0 authorisation code grant flow can only be used once. This is because single-use auth_code prevents replay attacks where an attacker could intercept the authorisation code and try to use it multiple times to obtain tokens. Hence, our implementation above will break if we refresh our web page after logging in.

To solve this issue, we will be saving the access token in a cookie when the user first signs in. After that, as long as we detect that there is a valid access token in the cookie, we will not use the auth_code.

In order to save an access token in a cookie, there are several important considerations to ensure security and proper functionality:

  • Set the Secure attribute to ensure the cookie is only sent over HTTPS connections. This helps protect the token from being intercepted during transmission;
  • Use the HttpOnly attribute to prevent client-side scripts from accessing the cookie. This helps mitigate the risk of cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks;
  • Set an appropriate expiration time for the cookie. Since access tokens typically have a short lifespan, ensure the cookie does not outlive the token’s validity.

Thus the code at Step 3 above can be improved as follows.

def lambda_handler(event, context):
now =

if 'cookies' in event:
for cookie in event['cookies']:
if cookie.startswith('access_token='):
access_token = cookie.replace("access_token=", "")

if 'access_token' in locals():

returned_html = get_web_content(access_token)

return {
'statusCode': 200,
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'
'body': returned_html

return {
'statusCode': 401,
'body': get_401_web_content(),
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'

if 'access_token' not in tokens:

access_token = tokens['access_token']

cookies_expiry = now + timedelta(seconds=tokens['expires_in'])

return {
'statusCode': 200,
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'text/html',
'Set-Cookie': f'access_token={access_token}; path=/; secure; httponly; expires={cookies_expiry.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")} GMT'
'body': get_web_content(access_token)

With this, now we can safely refresh our web page and there should be no case of reusing the same auth_code repeatedly.


In summary, we can conclude the infrastructure that we have gone through above in the following diagram.


Packaging PyQt5 app with PyInstaller on Windows

After we have developed a GUI desktop application using PyQt5, we need to distribute it to the users to use it. Normally the users are not developers, so giving them the source code of our application is not a good idea. Hence, in this article, we will discuss how we can use PyInstaller to package the application into an exe file on Windows.

Step 0: Setup Hello World Project

Our life will be easy if we start packaging our application in the very beginning. This is because as we add more features and dependencies to the application, we can easily confirm the packaging is still working. If there is anything wrong during the packaging, we can easily debug by just checking the newly added codes instead of debugging the entire app.

So, let’s start with a PyQt5 desktop application which has a label showing “Hello World”.

Currently PyInstaller works only up to Python 3.8. So, I will first create a virtual environment which uses Python 3.8 with the following command. Since I have many versions of Python installed on my machine, I simply use the path to the Python 3.8 in the command.

C:\Users\...\Python38\python.exe -m venv venv

After that, we can activate the virtual environment in VS Code by choosing the interpreter, as shown in the following screenshot.

VS Code will prompt us the recommended interpreter to choose for the project.

After that, we will install PyQt5 5.15.4 and Qt-Material 2.8.8 packages for the GUI. Once the two packages are installed in the virtual environment, we can proceed to design our Hello World app with the following codes in a file called

import sys

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from qt_material import apply_stylesheet

class Window(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.setWindowTitle("Hello World")
        label = QLabel("Hello World")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    win = Window()

    apply_stylesheet(app, theme='dark_blue.xml')

Now when we run the code above, we will be able to see a simple window with a label saying “Hello World”.

Our simple PyQt desktop application.

Step 1: Package the App

Before we can proceed further, we need to install the PyInstaller, which helps to bundle our Python app and all its dependencies into a single package. We can do so with the following command.

pip install pyinstaller==4.5.1

Once it is installed successfully, we can start the packaging of our app with the command below.

pyinstaller main,py

PyInstaller will now read and analyse our codes in to discover every other module and library our script needs in order to execute. After that, PyInstaller will put all the files and Python interpreter in a single folder for distributing later. This is useful because the end users of our app do not need to have Python installed beforehand in order to run our app.

Hence, running the command above will generate two new folders, i.e. build and dist, as well as a main.spec file in the project directory.

A new file main.spec and two new folders, build and dist, will be generated by PyInstaller.

It is important to take note that the PyInstaller output is specific to the active OS and the active version of Python. In this case, our distribution is for Windows under Python 3.8.

The build folder is used by PyInstaller to collect and and prepare files for packaging. We can ignore its content unless we are trying to debug the packaging issues.

The dist folder will be the folder we can distribute to end users to use our app. The folder has our application, i.e. main.exe, together with other dlls.

End users of our app just need to run the main.exe in the dist/main folder to use our app.

Finally, the main.spec is a SPEC file which contains the PyInstaller packaging configuration and instructions. Hence, for future packaging operations, we shall execute the following command instead.

pyinstaller main.spec

Now, when we run the main.exe, we will be able to see our Hello World application. However, at the same time, there would be a console window shown together by default, as demonstrated below.

A console window will be shown together with our desktop application.

The console window by right should be hidden from the end users. So, in the following step, we will see how we can configure the PyInstaller packaging to hide the console window.

Step 2: Configure the SPEC File

When the “pyinstaller” command is executed, the first thing PyInstaller does is to generate the SPEC file, i.e. main.spec. The file tells PyInstaller how to process our script. Hence, PyInstaller later can build our app by simply executing the content of the SPEC file.

The SPEC file is actually a Python code. It contains the following classes.

  • Analysis: Takes a list of script file names as input and analyses the dependencies;
  • PYZ: PYZ stands for Python Zipped Executable, contains all the Python modules needed by the script(s);
  • EXE: Creates the executable file, i.e. main.exe in our example, based on Analysis and PYZ;
  • COLLECT: Creates the output folder from all the other parts. This class is removed in the one-file mode.

Step 2.1 Setup one-file Build

As we can see earlier, the dist folder does not only contain the executable file, main.exe, but also a long list of DLLs. It’s normally not a good idea to give the end users a huge folder like this as the users may have a hard time figuring out how to launch our app. So, we can create a one-file build for our app instead.

To do so, we can execute the following command. To make things clearer, we can also choose to delete the dist folder generated earlier before running the command.

pyinstaller --onefile

After it is executed successfully, in the dist folder, we can see that there is only one executable file, as shown in the following screenshot. Now, we can just send the end users only this one executable file to run our app.

So, where do all the DLLs that we see in the non-one-file build go? They are actually compressed into the executable. Hence, the one-file build has a side-effect. Every time our app runs, it must create a temporary folder to decompress the content of the executable. This means that one-file built app will have a slower startup.

The outcome of one-file build.

Step 2.2: Remove Console Window

The first change that we can make to the SPEC file is to remove the default console window. To do so, we simply need to set console=False in the EXE, as shown in the screenshot below.

Hid the default console window.

With this being set, the app will not be launched with a console window showing together.

Step 2.3 Bundle Data Files

Let’s say we would like to have an app icon for our app, we can have the following line added in our


This will load the image file logo.png from the resources/images directory. In this scenario, we thus need to find a way to bundle image files in the build. To do so, we can first update our SPEC files as follows.

Telling PyInstaller to copy the resources folder.

The list of data files is a list of tuples where each tuple has two strings.

  • The first string specifies the file or files as they are in this system now;
  • The second specifies the name of the folder to contain the files at run-time.

If we’re not using the one-file build, we will find out that the data files will be copied to the dist folder accordingly. However, if we are app is built with one-file mode, then we shall change our code accordingly to locate the data files at runtime.

Firstly, we need to check whether our app is running from the source directly or from the packaged executable with the following function.

def resource_path(relative_path):
    """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """
    if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) and hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS'):
        base_path = sys._MEIPASS
        base_path = os.path.abspath(".")

    return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)

Secondly, we need to update the code getting the QIcon path to be something as follows.


Finally, we will be able to see our app icon displayed correctly, as shown in the following screenshot.

Yay, the app icon is updated!

Step 2.4 Setup EXECUTABLE App Icon

Even though the app icon has been updated, however, the icon of our executable is still not yet updated.

Before we can proceed to update the exe icon, we need to know that, on Windows, only .ico file can be used as icon image. Since our logo is a png file, we shall convert it to an ico file first. To do the conversion, I’m using ICO Convert which is available online for free and mentioned in one of the PyInstaller GitHub issues.

After getting the ICO file, we shall put it in the same directory as the SPEC file. Next, we can customise the SPEC file by adding icon parameter to the EXE as shown below.

Setting app icon for our app executable file.

Once the build is successful, we can refresh our dist folder and will find that our main.exe now has a customised icon, as shown below.

Yay, our exe file has customised icon as well now!

Step 2.5 Name Our App

By default, the executable file generated has the name of our source file. Hence, in this example, the executable file is named as main.exe. By updating our SPEC file, we can also name the executable file with a more user friendly name.

What we need to do is just editing the name of EXE, as shown in the following screenshot.

We will now get the executable file of our app as Face.exe.


That’s all for the quickstart steps to package our PyQt5 desktop GUI application with PyInstaller on Windows 10.

I have made the source code available on GitHub. You can also download the Face.exe under the Releases. After launching the app, you should be able to do facial recognition together with your personal Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services account, as shown in the following screenshot.

Facial recognition done using Face API in Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services.


My Vaccination Journey: 2nd Jab

On 3rd of September 2021, Singapore announced to offer 3rd COVID-19 shots to senior citizens. Only one day after that, on 4th of September, I went to the vaccination centre to have my 2nd jab of the vaccine.

I took one week leave in the following week to have some rest. I felt tired and thus I slept as much as I could in the first three days after the vaccination. In order to maintain the body hydration level, I also drank about 2 liters of plain water per day. On top of that, since the weather in Singapore was extremely warm in September, starting from three days before my vaccination day, I also bought a cup of coconut water every day.

Fortunately, to me, there was no other major side effects from the vaccine. Hence, I spent my one-week leave to do many things that I didn’t have the time to do in the normal working days.

Activity 1: Microsoft Virtual Training Day

There are many virtual training sessions available currently. The sessions are all offered by Microsoft for free. You can browse the available training sessions on the Training Days website.

On 6th of September, there was a session about Artificial Intelligence (AI) Fundamentals.

AI Fundamental virtual training session.

In the training session, we learnt about concepts such as, AI in Azure, common AI workloads, challenges and risks with AI, and principles of responsible AI.

After that, we learnt how to create predictive models by finding relationships in data using Machine Learning (ML). Using Azure ML Designer, we can visually create a ML pipeline in a drag-and-drop manner.

Creating a predictive pricing model with Azure ML Designer.

Finally, we also learnt how to use Azure Cognitive Services to analyse images, recognise faces, perform OCR.

Activity 2: Learning PyQt

I was asked by our Senior IT Architect to learn how to build a dashboard as a desktop application using Python before my leave. Hence, I also read the tutorials about PyQt5 during my leave.

Using the knowledge I learnt from Azure Virtual Training mentioned above, I built a sample PyQt desktop application to perform face detection in a photo. The source code of the application is currently available on my GitHub repo.

Detecting faces in a photo using the Face API in Azure Cognitive Services.

In this learning exercise, I also found out how to apply Material Design theme to a PyQt5 application using library such as Qt-Material. In addition, I also learnt how to draw charts using PyQtChart. For example, emotions of the faces detected in the screenshot above can be drawn as a chart shown in the following screenshot using the Face API.

One of the faces in the photo above looks a bit sad.

Activity 3: Playing Games

Besides coding, I also took some time to play computer games. Since the version 2.1 of Genshin Impact was released just few days before my leave, I got more time to clear the new story and have fun fishing with my friends as well.

Let’s fish together!

One-Week Leave

Yup, that’s all what I had done during my leave. Now, I am thinking how to clear the remaining annual leave I have brought over from the previous year.