Protecting Web API with User Password


In my previous post, I shared about the way to connect Android app with IdentityServer4 using AppAuth for Android. However, that way will popup a login page on a web browser on phone when users are trying to login to our app. This may not be what the business people want. Sometimes, they are looking for a customized native login page on the app itself.

To do so, we can continue to make use of IdentityServer4.

IdentityServer4 has a grant which is called Resource Owner Password Grant. It allows a client to send username and password to the token service and get an access token back that represents that user. Generally speaking, it is not really recommended to use the AppAuth way. However, since the mobile app is built by our own team, so using the resource owner password grant is okay.

Identity Server Setup: Adding New API Resource

In this setup, I will be using in-memory configuration.

As a start, I need to introduce a new ApiResource with the following codes in the Startup.cs of our IdentityServer project.

var availableResources = new List<ApiResource>();
availableResources.Add(new ApiResource("mobile-app-api", "Mobile App API Main Scope"));
    .AddInMemoryClients(new ClientStore(Configuration).GetClients())

Identity Server Setup: Defining New Client

As the code above shows, there is a ClientStore that we need to add a new client to with the following codes.

public class ClientStore : IClientStore

    public IEnumerable<Client> GetClients()
        var availableClients = new List<Client>();
        availableClients.Add(new Client
            ClientId = "mobile-app-api",
            ClientName = "Mobile App APIs",
            AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.ResourceOwnerPassword,
            ClientSecrets = { new Secret(Configuration["MobileAppApi:ClientSecret"].Sha256()) },
            AllowedScopes = { "mobile-app-api" }

        return availableClients;

Configuring Services in Web API

In the Startup.cs of our Web API project, we need to update it as follows.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


    .AddIdentityServerAuthentication(options =>
        options.Authority = "<URL of the identity server>";
        options.RequireHttpsMetadata = true;
        options.ApiName = "mobile-app-api";

    services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options =>
        options.Filters.Add(new RequireHttpsAttribute());

Configuring HTTP Request Pipeline in Web API

Besides the step above, we also need to make sure the following one line “app.UseAuthentication()” in the Startup.cs. Without this, we cannot make the authentication and authorization to work in our Web API project.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)

Receiving Username and Password to Return Access Token

We also need to add a new controller to receive username and password which will in return tell the mobile app whether the login of the user is successful or not. If the user is logged in successfully, then an access token will be returned.

public class AuthenticateController : Controller
    public async Task<ActionResult> Login([FromBody] string userName, string password)
        var disco = await DiscoveryClient.GetAsync("<URL of the identity server>");
        var tokenClient = new TokenClient(disco.TokenEndpoint, "mobile-app-api", Configuration["MobileAppApi:ClientSecret"]);
        var tokenResponse = await tokenClient.RequestResourceOwnerPasswordAsync(userName, password, "mobile-app-api");

        if (tokenResponse.IsError)
            return Unauthorized();

        return new JsonResult(tokenResponse.Json);

Securing our APIs

We can now proceed to protect our Web APIs with [Authorize] attribute. In the code below, I also try to return the available claims via the API. The claims will tell the Web API who is logging in and calling the API now via the mobile app.

public IEnumerable<string> Get()
    var claimTypesAndValues = new List<string>();

    foreach (var claim in User.Claims)
        claimTypesAndValues.Add($"{ claim.Type }: { claim.Value }");

    return claimTypesAndValues.ToArray();


This project took me two days to find out how to make the authentication works because I misunderstand how IdentityServer4 works in this case. Hence, it is always important to fully understand the things on your hands before working on them.

Do not give up! (Source: A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd)


[KOSD Series] Discussion about Cosmos DB Performance

KOSD, or Kopi-O Siew Dai, is a type of Singapore coffee that I enjoy. It is basically a cup of coffee with a little bit of sugar. This series is meant to blog about technical knowledge that I gained while having a small cup of Kopi-O Siew Dai.


During a late dinner with my friend on 12 January last month, he commented that he encountered a very serious performance problem in retrieving data from Cosmos DB (pka DocumentDB). It’s quite strange because, in our IoT project which also stores millions of data in Cosmos DB, we never had this problem.

Two weeks later, on 27 January, he happily showed me his improved version of the code which could query the data in about one to two seconds.

Yesterday, after having a discussion, we further improved the code. Hence, I’d like to write down this learning experience here.

Try Azure Cosmos DB today!


Due to the fact that we couldn’t demonstrate using the real project code, I thus created a sample project getting data from database and collection on my personal Azure Cosmos DB account. The database contains one collection which has 23,967 records of Student data.

The Student class and the BaseEntity class that it inherits from are as follows.

public class Student : BaseEntity
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public int Age { get; set; }

    public string Description { get; set; }
public abstract class BaseEntity
    [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "id")]
    public string Id { get; set; }

    public string Type { get; set; }

    public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;

You may wonder why I have Type defined.

Type and Cost Saving

The reason of having Type is that, before DocumentDB was rebranded as Cosmos DB in May 2017, the DocumentDB pricing is based on collections. Hence, the more collection we have in the database, the more we need to pay.

DocumentDB was billed per collection in the past. (Source: Stack Overflow)

To overcome that, we squeeze the different types of entities in the same collection. So, in the example above, let’s say we have three classes — Students, Classroom, Teacher that inherit from BaseEntity, then we will put the data of the three classes in the same collection.

Then here comes a problem: How do we know which document in the collection is Student, Classroom or Teacher? There is where the property Type will help us. So in our example above, the possible value for Type will be Student, Classroom, and Teacher.

Hence, when we add a new document through repository design pattern, we have the following method.

public async Task<T> AddAsync(T entity)

    entity.Type = typeof(T).Name;

    var resourceResponse = await _documentDbClient.CreateDocumentAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(_databaseId, _collectionId), entity);

    return resourceResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created ? (dynamic)resourceResponse.Resource : null;

Original Version of Query

We used the following code to retrieve data of a class from the collection.

public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAllAsync(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate = null)
    var query = _documentDbClient.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(_databaseId, _collectionId));

    var documentQuery = (predicate != null) ?

    var results = new List<T>();
    while (documentQuery.HasMoreResults)
        results.AddRange(await documentQuery.ExecuteNextAsync<T>());

    return results.Where(x => x.Type == typeof(T).Name).ToList();

This query will run very slow because the line where it filters the class is after querying data from the collection. Hence, in the documentQuery, it may already contain data of three classes (Student, Classroom, and Teacher).

Improved Version of Query

So one obvious way is to move the line of filtering by Type above. The improved version of code now looks as such.

public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAllAsync(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate = null)
    var query = _documentDbClient
        .CreateDocumentQuery<T>(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(_databaseId, _collectionId))
        .Where(x => x.Type == typeof(T).Name);

    var documentQuery = (predicate != null) ?

    var results = new List<T>();
    while (documentQuery.HasMoreResults)
        results.AddRange(await documentQuery.ExecuteNextAsync<T>());

    return results;

By doing so, we managed to reduce the query time significantly because all the actual filtering will be done at Cosmos DB side. For example, there was one query I managed to reduce the query time of it from 1.38 minutes to 3.42 seconds using the 23,967 records of Student data.

Multiple Predicates

The code above however has a disadvantage. It cannot accept multiple predicates.

I thus changed it to be as follows so that it returns IQueryable.

public IQueryable<T> GetAll()
    return _documentDbClient
        .CreateDocumentQuery<T>(UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(_databaseId, _collectionId))
        .Where(x => x.Type == typeof(T).Name);

This has another inconvenience is there whenever I call GetAll, I need to remember to load the data with HasMoreResults as shown in the code below.

var studentDocuments = _repoDocumentDb.GetAll()
    .Where(s => s.Age == 8)
    .Where(s => s.Name.Contains("Ahmad"))

var results = new List<T>();
while (studentDocuments.HasMoreResults)
    results.AddRange(await studentDocuments.ExecuteNextAsync<T>());


This is just an after-dinner discussion about Cosmos DB between my friend and me. If you have any better idea of designing repository for Cosmos DB (pka DocumentDB), please let us know. =)


This is a post about code refactoring, the long journey of removing technical debts in the system I have built at work.

Since late 2015, I have been working on a system which is supposed to be extensible and scalable to support our branches in different countries. With the frequent change of user requirements and business strategies, mistakes and system-wide code refactoring are things that I can’t avoid.

Today, I’m going to list down some key lessons and techniques I learned in this one year plus of journey of clearing technical debts.

…we are not living in a frozen world of requirements and changes. So you can’t and shouldn’t avoid refactoring at all.

The risk in avoiding would definitely bring up messy codes, and tough maintenance of your software, you can leave it behind but somebody else would suffer.

— Nail Yuce, Author of the redbook “Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management”

Databases Organization

Originally, we have three branches in three countries. The branches are selling the same product, laptop. It’s business decision that these three branches should behave individually with different names so that customers generally can’t tell that these three branches are operated by one company.

Let’s say these three branches have names as such, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Instead of setting up different databases for the branches, I put the tables of these three branches in the same database for two reasons:

  1. Save cost;
  2. Easy to maintain because there will be only one database and one connection string.

These two points turn out to be invalid few months after I designed the system in such a way.

I’m using Azure SQL, actually separating databases won’t incur higher cost because of the introduction of Elastic Database Pool in Microsoft Azure. It’s also not easy to maintain because to put three business entities in one database, I have two ways to do it.

  1. Have a column in each table specifying the record is from/for which branch;
  2. Prefix the table names.

I chose the 2nd way. Prefix the table names. Hence, instead of a simple table name such as Suppliers, I now have three tables, APSupplier, BTSupplier, and GMSupplier, where AP, BT, and GM are the abbreviation of the branch names.

This design decision leads to the second problem that I am going to share with you next.

Problem of Prefixing Table Names

My senior once told me that experience was what made a software developer valuable. The “experience” here is not about technical experience because technology simply moves forward at a very fast pace, especially in web development.

The experience that makes a software developer valuable is more about system design and decision making in the software development process. For example, now I know prefixing table names in my case is a wrong move.

Experience helps in building a better system which is not “too simple and naive”.

There are actually a few obvious reasons of not prefixing.

For those who are using Entity Framework and love intellisense feature in Visual Studio IDE, they will know my pain. When I’m going to search for Supplier table, I have to type the two-letter branch abbreviation first then search for the Supplier table. Hence in the last one year, our team spent lots of man hours going through all these AP, BT, and GM things. Imaging the company starts to grow to 20 countries, we will then have AP, BT, GM, DT (for Delta), ES (for Epsilon), etc.

To make things worse, remember that three branches are actually just selling the laptops with the similar business models? So what would we get when we use inheritance for our models? Many meaningless empty sub-classes.

public abstract class BaseSupplier
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string PersonInCharge { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public bool Status { get; set; }

public class APSupplier : BaseSupplier { }

public class BTSupplier : BaseSupplier { }

public class GMSupplier : BaseSupplier { }

So if we have branches in 20 countries (which is merely 10% of the total number of countries in the world), then our software developers’ life is going to be miserable because they need to maintain all these meaningless empty classes.

Factory Design Pattern and Template Methods

However, the design above actually at the same time also makes our system to be flexible. Now, imagine that one of the branches requests for a system change which requires addition of columns in its own Supplier table, we can simply change the corresponding sub-class without affecting the rest.

Design Patterns are good if we know how to use them properly. (Image Source: Rewrite)

This leads us to the Factory Design Pattern. Factory Design Pattern allows us to standardize the system design for each of the branch in the same system while at the same time allowing for individual branch to define their own business models.

public abstract class SupplierFactory
    public static SupplierFactory GetInstance(string portal)
        return Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType($"Lib.Factories.Supplier.{portal}SupplierFactory")) as SupplierFactory;

    protected abstract BaseSupplier CreateInstanceOfSupplier();

    protected abstract void InsertSupplierToDatabase(BaseSupplier newSupplier);

    public abstract IQueryable RetrieveSuppliers();

    public async Task AddNewSupplierAsync(SupplierManageViewModel manageVM)
        var newSupplier = CreateInstanceOfSupplier();
        newSupplier.Name = manageVM.Name;
        newSupplier.PersonInCharge = manageVM.PersonInCharge;
        newSupplier.Email= manageVM.Email;
        newSupplier.Status = manageVM.Status;


For each of the branch, then I define their own SupplierFactory which inherits from this abstract class SupplierFactory.

public class AlphaSupplierFactory : SupplierFactory
    private AlphaDbContext db = new AlphaDbContext();

    public override IQueryable RetrieveSuppliers()
        return db.APSuppliers;

    protected override void InsertSupplierToDatabase(BaseSupplier newSupplier)


As shown in the code above, firstly, I no longer use the abbreviation for the prefix of the class name. Yup, having abbreviation hurts.

Secondly, I have also split the big database to different smaller databases which store each branch’s info separately.

The standardization of the workflow is done using Template Method such as AddNewSupplier method shown above. The creation of new supplier will be using the same workflow for all branches.


public static SupplierFactory GetInstance(string portal)
    return Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType($"Lib.Factories.Supplier.{portal}SupplierFactory")) as SupplierFactory;

For those who wonder what I am doing with the Activator.CreateInstance in the GetInstance method, I use it to create an instance of the specified type that type’s default constuctor with portal acts as an indicator on which sub-class the code should pick using reflection with the Type.GetType method. So the values for portal will be Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc. in my case.

This unfortunately adds one more burden to our development team to pay attention to the naming convention of the classes.

Fluent API: ToTable

All these unnecessary complexity is finally coming to an end after my team found out how to make use of the Fluent API. Fluent API provides several important methods to configure entities which help to override Code First conventions. ToTable method is one of them.

ToTable helps mapping entity to the actual table name. Hence, now we can fix our naming issues in our databases with the codes below in each of the branch’s database context class.

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

    ... // mappings for other tables

With this change, we can furthermore standardize the behavior and workflow of the system for each of our branch. However, since we only start to apply this after we have expanded our business to about 10 countries, there will be tons of changes waiting for us if we are going to apply Fluent API to refactor our codes.

Technical Debts

I made a few mistakes in the beginning of system design because of lacking of experience building extensible and scalable systems and lack of sufficient time and spec given to do proper system design.

This naming issue is just one of the debts we are going to clear in the future. Throughout the one year plus of system development, the team also started to realize many other ways to refactor our codes to make it more robust.

As a young team in a non-software-development environment, we need to be keen on self-learning but at the same time understand that we can’t know everything. We will keep on fighting to solve the crucial problems in the system and at the same time improving the system to better fit the changing business requirements.

I will discuss more about my journey of code refactoring in the future posts. Coming soon!

Reading my old codes sometimes makes me slap myself. (Image Source: Rewrite)

Burger and Cheese


As a web developer, I don’t have many chances to play with mobile app projects. So rather than limit myself to just one field, I love to explore other technologies, especially mobile app development.

Burger Project: My First Xamarin App

Last month, I attended a Xamarin talk at Microsoft Singapore office with my colleague. The talk was about authentication and authorization with social networks such as Facebook and Twitter via Azure App Service: Mobile App.

Ben Ishiyama-Levy is talking about how Xamarin and Microsoft Azure works together.
Ben Ishiyama-Levy is talking about how Xamarin and Microsoft Azure works together.

The speaker is Ben Ishiyama-Levy, a Xamarin evangelist. His talk inspired me to further explore how I could retrieve user info from social network after authenticating the users.

Because I am geek-first and I really want to find out more, so I continue to read more about this topic. With the help from my colleague, I developed a simple Xamarin.Android app to demonstrate the Authentication and logged-in user’s info retrieval.

The demo app is called Burger and it can be found on my Github repository:

Challenges in Burger Project

Retrieving user's info from social network.
Retrieving user’s info from social network.

In Burger project, the first big challenge is to understand how Azure App Service: Mobile App works in Xamarin. Luckily, with the material and tutorial given in the Xamarin talk from Ben, I was able to get a quick start on this.

My colleague also shared another tutorial which is about getting authenticated user’s personal details on Universal Windows Platform (UWP). It helps me a lot to understand about how mobile app and Azure App Service can work together.

My second challenge in this project is to understand Facebook Graph API. I still remember that I spent quite some time finding out why I could not retrieve the friend list of a logged-in Facebook user. With the introduction of the Facebook Graph API 2.0, access to a user’s friends list via /me/friends is limited to just friends using the same app. Hence after reading a few other online tutorials, I finally somehow able to get another subset of a user’s friends via /me/taggable_friends.

In this project, it’s also the first time I apply Reflection in my personal project. It helps me easily get the according social network login class with a neat and organized code.

Microsoft Developer Day at NUS, Singapore in May 2016

Cheese Project: When Google Speech Meets MS LUIS on Android

Few months ago, I’m fortunate to represent my company to attend Microsoft Developer Day 2016 in National University of Singapore (NUS).

The day is the first time Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella comes to Singapore. It’s also my first time learn about the powerful Cognitive Services and LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligence Service) in Microsoft Azure in Riza’s talk.

Riza’s presentation about Microsoft Cognitive APIs during Microsoft Developer Day.

Challenges in Cheese Project

Everyday, it takes about one hour for me to reach home from office. Hence, I will only have two to three hours every night to work on personal projects and learning. During weekends, when people are having fun out there, I will spend time on researching about some exciting new technologies.

There are many advance topics in LUIS. I still remember that when I was learning how LUIS works, my friend was actually playing the Rise of the Tomb Raider beside me. So while he was there phew-phew-phew, I was doing data training on LUIS web interface.

Microsoft LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligence Service) and Intents

Currently, I only worked on some simple intents, such as returning me current date and time as well as understanding which language I want to translate to.

My first idea in Cheese project is to build an Android app such that if I say “Please translate blah-blah to xxx language”, the app will understand and do the translation accordingly. This can be quite easily done with the help of both LUIS and Google Translate.

After showing this app to my colleagues, we realized one problem in the app. It’s too troublesome for users to keep saying “Please translate blah-blah to xxx language” every time they need to translate something. Hence, recently I have changed it to use GUI to provide language selection. This, however, reduces the role played by LUIS in this project.

VoiceText provides a range of speakers and voices with emotions!

To make the project even more fun, I implemented the VoiceText Web API from Japanese in the Android app. The cool thing about this TTS (Text-To-Speech) API is that it allows developers to specify the mood and characteristic of the voice. The challenge, of course, is to read the API written in Japanese. =P

Oh ya, this is the link to my Cheese repository on Github: I will continue to work on this project while exploring more about LUIS. Stay tuned.

languagelist    googlespeech    SuccessfullyTranslated.png

After-Work Personal Projects

There are still more things in mobile app development for me to learn. Even though most of the time I feel exhausted after long work day, working on new and exciting technologies helps me getting energized again in the evening.

I’m not as hardworking as my friends who are willing to sacrifice their sleep for their hobby projects and learning, hence the progress of my personal project development is kind of slow. Oh well, at least now I have my little app to help me talking to people when I travel to Hong Kong and Japan next year!