Kubernetes CronJob to Send Email via Azure Communication Services

In March 2021, Azure Communication Services was made generally available after being showcased in Microsoft Ignite. In the beginning, it only provides services such as SMS as well as voice and video calling. One year after that, in May 2022, it also offers a way to facilitate high volume transactional emails. However, currently this email function is still in public preview. Hence, the email relevant APIs and SDKs are provided without a SLA, which is thus not recommended for production workloads.

Currently, our Azure account has a set of limitation on the number of email messages that we can send. For all the developers, email sending is limited to 10 emails per minute, 25 emails in an hour, and 100 emails in day.

Setup Azure Communication Services

To begin, we need to createa a new Email Communication Services resource from the marketplace, as shown in the screenshot below.

US is the only option for the Data Location now in Email Communication Services.

Take note that currently we can only choose United States as the Data Location, which determines where the data will be stored at rest. This cannot be changed after the resource has been created. This thus make our Azure Communication Services which we need to configure next to store the data in United States as well. We will talk about this later.

Once the Email Communication Service is created, we can begin by adding a free Azure subdomain. With the “1-click add” function, as shown in the following screenshot, Azure will automatically configures the required email authentication protocols based on the email authentication best practices.

Click “1-click add” to provision a free Azure managed domain for sending emails.

We will then have a MailFrom address in the format of donotreply@xxxx.azurecomm.net which we can use to send email. We are allowed to modify the MailFrom address and From display name to more user-friendly values.

After getting the domain, we need to connect Azure Communication Services to it to send emails.

As we talked earlier, we need to make sure that the Azure Communication Services to have United States as its Data Location as well. Otherwise, we will not be able to link the email domain for email sending.

Successfully connected our email domain. =)

A Simple Console App for Sending Email

Now, we need to create the console app which we will be used in our Kubernetes CronJob later to send the emails with the Azure Communication Services Email client library.

Before we begin, we have to get the connection string for the Azure Communication Service resource.

Getting connection string of the Azure Communication Service.

Here I have the following code to send a sample email to myself.

using Azure.Communication.Email.Models;
using Azure.Communication.Email;

string connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING") ?? string.Empty;
string emailFrom = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EMAIL_FROM") ?? string.Empty;

if (connectionString != string.Empty)
    EmailClient emailClient = new EmailClient(connectionString);

    EmailContent emailContent = new EmailContent("Welcome to Azure Communication Service Email APIs.");
    emailContent.PlainText = "This email message is sent from Azure Communication Service Email using .NET SDK.";
    List<EmailAddress> emailAddresses = new List<EmailAddress> {
            new EmailAddress("gclin009@hotmail.com") { DisplayName = "Goh Chun Lin" }
    EmailRecipients emailRecipients = new EmailRecipients(emailAddresses);
    EmailMessage emailMessage = new EmailMessage(emailFrom, emailContent, emailRecipients);
    SendEmailResult emailResult = emailClient.Send(emailMessage, CancellationToken.None);
Setting environment variables for local debugging purpose.

Tada, there should be an email successfully sent out as instructed.

Email is successfully sent and received. =)

Containerise the Console App

Next what we need to do is containerising our console app above.

Assume that our console app is called MyConsoleApp, then we will prepare a Dockerfile as follows.

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/runtime:6.0 AS base

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:6.0 AS build
COPY ["MyMedicalEmailSending.csproj", "."]
RUN dotnet restore "./MyConsoleApp.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/."
RUN dotnet build "MyConsoleApp.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build

FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "MyConsoleApp.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish /p:UseAppHost=false

FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MyConsoleApp.dll"]

We then can publish it to Docker Hub for consumption later.

If you prefer to use Azure Container Registry, you can refer to the documentation on how to do it on Microsoft Learn.

Create the CronJob

In Kubernetes, pods are the smallest deployable units of computing we can create and manage. A pod can have one or more relevant containers, with shared storage and network resources. Here, we will be scheduling a job so that it creates pods containing our container with the image we created above to operate the execution of the pods, which is in our case, to send emails.

The schedule of the cronjob is defined as follows, according to the Kubernetes documentation on the schedule syntax.

# ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
# │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
# │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
# │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12)
# │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat)
# │ │ │ │ │
# * * * * *

Hence, if we would like to have the email scheduler to be triggered at 8am of every Friday, we can create a CronJob in the namespace my-namespace with the following YAML file.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: email-scheduler
  namespace: ns-mymedical
      name: email-scheduler
          - image: chunlindocker/emailsender:v2023-01-25-1600
            name: email-scheduler
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
  schedule: 0 8 * * fri

After the CronJob is created, we can proceed to annotate it with the command below.

kubectl annotate cj email-scheduler jobtype=scheduler frequency=weekly

This helps us to query the cron jobs with jsonpath easily in the future. For example, we can list all cronjobs which are scheduled weekly, we can do it with the following command.

kubectl get cj -A -o=jsonpath="{range .items[?(@.metadata.annotations.jobtype)]}{.metadata.namespace},{.metadata.name},{.metadata.annotations.jobtype},{.metadata.annotations.frequency}{'\n'}{end}"

Create ConfigMap

In our email sending programme, we have two environment variables. Hence, we can create ConfigMap to store the data as key-value pair.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: email-sending
  namespace: my-namespace
  EMAIL_FROM: DoNotReply@xxxxxx.azurecomm.net

For connection string of Azure Communication Service, since it is a sensitive data, we will store it in Secret. Secrets are similar to ConfigMaps but are specifically intended to hold confidential data. We will create a Secret with the command below.

kubectl create secret generic azure-communication-service --from-literal=CONNECTION_STRING=xxxxxx --dry-run=client --namespace=my-namespace -o yaml

It should generate a YAML which is similar to the following.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: azure-communication-service
  namespace: my-namespace

Then, the Pods created by the CronJob can thus consume the ConfigMap and Secret above as environment variables. So, we need to update the CronJob YAML file to be as follows.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: email-scheduler
  namespace: my-namespace
      name: email-scheduler
          - image: chunlindocker/emailsender:v2023-01-25-1600
            name: email-scheduler
              - name: EMAIL_FROM
                    name: email-sending
                    key: EMAIL_FROM
                    name: azure-communication-service
                    key: CONNECTION_STRING
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
  schedule: 0 8 * * fri

Using SealedSecret

Problem with using Secrets is that we can’t really commit them to our code repository because the data are only encoded but not encrypted. Hence, in order to store our Secrets safely, we need to use SealedSecret which helps us to encrypt our Secret. The SealedSecret can only be decrypted by the controller running in the targer cluster.

Currently, the SealedSecret Helm Chart is officially supported and hosted on GitHub.

Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes. Helm uses a packaging format called Chart, a collection of files describing a related set of Kubernetes resource. Each Chart comprises one or more Kubernetes manifests. With Chart, developers are able to configure, package, version, and share the apps with their dependencies and sensible defaults.

To install Helm on Windows 11 machine, we can execute the following commands in Ubuntu on Windows console.

  1. Download desired version of Helm release, for example, to download version 3.11.0:
    wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.11.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  2. Unpack it:
    tar -zxvf helm-v3.2.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  3. Move the Helm binary to desired location:
    sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm

Once we have successfully downloaded Helm and have it ready, we can add a Chart repository. In our case, we need to add the repo of SealedSecret Helm Chart.

helm repo add sealed-secrets https://bitnami-labs.github.io/sealed-secrets

We should be able to locate the SealedSecret chart that we can install with the following command.

helm search repo bitnami
The Chart bitnami/sealed-secret is one of the Charts we can install.

To installed SealedSecret Helm Chart, we will use the following command.

helm install sealed-secrets -n kube-system --set-string fullnameOverride=sealed-secrets-controller sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets

Once we have done this, we should be able to locate a new service called sealed-secret-controller under Kubernetes services.

The sealed-secret-controller service is under kube-system namespace.

Before we can proceed to use kubeseal to create an encrypted secret, for me at least, there is a need to edit the sealed-secret-controller service. Otherwise, there will be an error message saying “cannot fetch certificate: no endpoints available for service”. If you also encounter the same issue, simply follow the steps mentioned by ghostsquad to edit the service YAML accordingly.

My final edit of the sealed-secret-controller service YAML.

Next, we then can proceed to encrypt our secret, as instructed on the SealedSecret GitHub readme.

kubectl create secret generic azure-communication-service --from-literal=CONNECTION_STRING=xxxxxx --dry-run=client --namespace=my-namespace -o json > mysecret-acs.json

kubeseal < mysecret-acs.json > mysealedsecret-acs.json

The generated file mysealedsecret-acs.json should look something as shown below.

The connection string is now encrypted.

To create the Secret resource, we will simply create it based on the file mysealedsecret-acs.json.

This generated file mysealedsecret-acs.json is thus safe to be committed to our code repository.

Going Zero-Trust: Using Kamus and InitContainer

Besides SealedSecret, there is also another open-source solution known as Kamus, a zero-trust secrets encryption and decryption solution for Kubernetes apps. We can also use Kamus to encrypt our secrets and make sure that the secrets can only be decrypted by the desired Kubernetes apps.

Similarly, we can also install Kamus using Helm Chart with the commands below.

helm repo add soluto https://charts.soluto.io
helm upgrade --install kamus soluto/kamus

Kamus will encrypt secrets for only a specific application represented by a ServiceAccount. A service account provides an identity for processes that run in a Pod, and maps to a ServiceAccount object. Hence, we need to create a Service Account with the YAML below.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: my-kamus-sa

After creating the ServiceAccount, we can update our CronJob YAML to mount it on the pods.

Next, we can proceed to download and install Kamus CLI which we can use to encrypt our secret with the following command.

kamus-cli encrypt \
  --secret xxxxxxxx \
  --service-account my-kamus-sa \
  --namespace my-namespace \
  --kamus-url <Kamus URL>

The Kamus URL could be found after we installed Kamus as shown in the screenshot below.

Kamus URL in localhost

We need to follow the instruction printed on the screen to get the Kamus URL. To do so, we need to forward local port to the pod, as shown in the following screenshot.

Successfully forward the port and thus can use the URL as the Kamus URL.

Hence, let’s say we want to encrypt a secret “alamak”, we can do so as follows.

Since our localhost Kamus URL is using HTTP, so we have to specify “–allow-insecure-url”.

After we have encrypted our secret successfully, we need to configure our pod accordingly so that it can decrypt the value with Kamus Decrypt API. The simplest way will be storing our secret in a ConfigMap because it is already encrypted, so it’s safe to store it in ConfigMap.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-encrypted-secret
  namespace: my-namespace
  data: rADEn4o8pdN8Zcw40vFS/g==:zCPnDs8AzcTwqkvuu+k8iQ==

Then we can include an InitContainer in our pod. This is because the use of an initContainer allows one or more containers to run only if one or more previous containers run and exit successfully. So we can make use of Kamus Init Container to decrypt the secret using Kamus Decryptor API and output it to a file to be consumed by our app. There is an official demo from the Kamus Team on how to do that on the GitHub. Please take note that one of their YAML files is outdated and thus there is a need to update their deployment.yaml to use “apiVersion: apps/v1” with a proper selector.

Updated deployment.yaml.

After the deployment is successful, we can forward the port 8081 to the pod in the deployment as shown below.

kubectl port-forward deployment/kamus-example 8081:80

If the deployment is successful, we should be able to see the following when we visit localhost:8081 on our Internet browser, as shown in the following screenshot.

Yay, the original text “alamak” is successfully decrypted and displayed.

Deploy Our CronJob

Now, since we have everything setup, we can create our Kubernetes CronJob with the YAML file we have earlier. For local testing, I have edited the schedule to be “*/2 * * * *”. This means that an email will be sent to me every 2 minutes.

After waiting for a couple of minutes, I have received a few emails sent via the Azure Communication Services, as shown below.

Now the emails are received every 2 minutes. =)

Hoorey, this is how we build a simple Kubernetes CronJob and how we can send emails with the Azure Email Communication Services.

Micro Frontend with Single-SPA

In order to build applications which utilise the scalability, flexibility, and resilience of cloud computing, the applications are nowadays normally developed with microservice architecture using containers. Microservice architecture enables our applications to be composed of small independent backend services that communicate with each other over the network.

Project GitHub Repository

The complete source code of this project can be found at https://github.com/goh-chunlin/Lunar.MicroFrontEnd.SingleSpa.

Why Micro Frontend?

In general, when applying a microservice architecture, while backend systems are split up into microservices, frontend is still often developed as a monolith. This is not a problem when our application is small and we have a strong frontend team working on its frontend. However when the application grows to a larger scale, a monolithic frontend will start to be inefficient and unmaintainable due to the following reasons.

Firstly, it is challenging to keep the frontend technologies used in a large application up-to-date. Hence, with micro frontend, we can upgrade the version of the frontend on a functional basis. It also allows developers to use different frontend technologies to different functions based on the needs.

Secondly, since the source code of the micro frontend is separated, the source code of the individual frontend component is not as much as the monolith version of it. This improves the maintainability of the frontend because smaller code is easy to understand and distribute.

Thirdly, with micro frontend, we can split the frontend development team into smaller teams so that each team only needs to focus on relevant business functions.

Introduction of single-spa

In micro frontend architecture, we need a framework to bring together muliple JavaScript micro frotnends in our application. The framework we’re going to discuss here is called the single-spa.

The reason why we choose single-spa is because it is a framework allowing the implementation of micro frontend by supporting many popular JavaScript UI frameworks such as Angular and Vue. By leveraging the single-spa framework, we are able to register micro frontends such that the micro frontends are mounted and unmounted correctly for different URLs.

In single-spa, each micro frontend needs to implement their lifecycle functions by defining the actual implementation for how to bootstrap/mount/unmount components to the DOM tree with JavaScript or a different flavour of the JavaScript framework.

In this article, single-spa will work as an orchestrator to handle the micro frontend switch so that individual micro frontend does not need to worry about the global routing.

The Orchestrator

The orchestrator is nothing but a project holding single-spa which is responsible for global routing, i.e. determining which micro frontends get loaded.

We will be loading different micro frontends into the two placeholders which consume the same custom styles.

Fortunately, there is a very convenient way for us to get started quickly, i.e. using the create-single-spa, a utility for generating starter code. This guide will cover creating the root-config and our first single-spa application.

We can install the create-single-spa tool globally with the following command.

npm install --global create-single-spa

Once it is installed, we will create our project folder containing another empty called “orchestrator”, as shown in the following screenshot.

We have now initialised our project.

We will now create the single-spa root config, which is the core of our orchestrator, with the following command.


Then we will need to answer a few questions, as shown in the screenshots below in order to generate our orchestrator.

We’re generating orchestrator using the single-spa root config type.

That’s all for now for our orchestrator. We will come back to it after we have created our micro frontends.

Micro Frontends

We will again use the create-single-spa to create the micro frontends. Instead of choosing root config as the type, this time we will choose to generate the parcel instead, as shown in the following screenshot.

We will be creating Vue 3.0 micro frontends.

To have our orchestrator import the micro frontends, the micro frontend app needs to be exposed as a System.register module, as shown below on how we edit the vue.config.js file with the following configuration.

const { defineConfig } = require('@vue/cli-service')
module.exports = defineConfig({
  transpileDependencies: true,
  configureWebpack: {
    output: {
      libraryTarget: "system",
      filename: "js/app.js"
Here we also force the generated output file name to be app.js for import convenience in the orchestrator.

Now, we can proceed to build this app with the following command so that the app.js file can be generated.

npm run build
The app.js file is generated after we run the build script that is defined in package.json file.

We then can serve this micro frontend app with http-server for local testing later. We will be running the following command in its dist directory to specify that we’re using port 8011 for the app1 micro frontend.

http-server . --port 8011 --cors
This is what we will be seeing if we navigate to the micro frontend app now.

Link Orchestrator with Micro Frontend AppS

Now, we can return to the index.ejs file to specify the URL of our micro frontend app as shown in the screenshot below.

Next, we need to define the place where we will display our micro frontend apps in the microfrontend-layout.js, as shown in the screenshot below.

    <route default>
      <div style="display: grid; column-gap: 50px; grid-template-columns: 30% auto; background-color: #2196F3; padding: 10px;">
        <div style="background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); padding: 20px;">
          <application name="@Lunar/app1"></application>


We can now launch our orchestrator with the following command in the orchestrator directory.

npm start
Based on the package.json file, our orchestrator will be hosted at port 9000.

Now, if we repeat what we have done for app1 for another Vue 3.0 app called app2 (which we will deploy on port 8012), we can achieve something as follows.

Finally, to have the images shown properly, we simply need to update the Content-Security-Policy to be as follows.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' https: localhost:*; img-src data:; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https: localhost:*; connect-src https: localhost:* ws://localhost:*; style-src 'unsafe-inline' https:; object-src 'none';">

Also, in order to make sure the orchestrator indeed loads two different micro frontends, we can edit the content of the two apps to look different, as shown below.

Design System

In a micro frontend architecture, every team builds its part of the frontend. With this drastic expansion of the frontend development work, there is a need for us to streamline the design work by having a complete set of frontend UI design standards.

In addition, in order to maintain the consistency of the look-and-feel of our application, it is important to make sure that all our relevant micro frontends are adopting the same design system which also enables developers to replicate designs quickly by utilising premade UI components.

Here in single-spa, we can host our CSS in one of the shared micro frontend app and then have it contains only the common CSS.

Both micro frontend apps are using the same design system Haneul (https://haneul-design.web.app/).


In 2016, Thoughtworks introduced the idea of micro frontend. Since then, the term micro frontend has been hyped.

However, micro frontend is not suitable for all projects, especially when the development team is small or when the project is just starting off. Micro frontend is only recommended when the backend is already on microservices and the team finds that scaling is getting more and more challenging. Hence, please plan carefully before migrating to micro frontend.

If you’d like to find out more about the single-spa framework that we are using in this article, please visit the following useful links.

Create a Docker Image from CentOS Minimal ISO


When we are dockerizing an ASP .NET Core application, there will be a file called Dockerfile. For example, the Dockerfile in my previous project, Changshi, has the following content.

FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:2.0
ARG source
COPY ${source:-obj/Docker/publish} .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "changshi.dll"]

The Dockerfile basically is a set of instructions for Docker to build images automatically. The FROM instruction in the first line initializes a new build stage and sets the Parent Image for subsequent instructions. In the Dockerfile above, it is using microsoft/aspnetcore, the official image for running compiled ASP .NET Core apps, as the Parent Image.

If we need to control the contents of the image, then one way that we can do is to create a Base Image. So, in this post, I’m going to share about my journey of creating a Docker image from CentOS Minimal ISO.

Step 1: Setting up Virtual Machine on VirtualBox

We can easily get the minimal ISO of CentOS on their official website.

Minimal ISO is available on CentOS Download Page.

After successfully downloading the minimal ISO, we need to proceed to launch the Oracle VM VirtualBox (Download here if you don’t have one).

Switching off Hyper-V.

For Windows users who have Hyper-V enabled because of Docker for Windows, please disable it first otherwise you will either not able to start a VM with 64-bit guest OS even though your host OS is 64-bit Windows 10 or simply encounter a BSOD.

Please switch off Hyper-V before running CentOS 64-bit OS on VirtualBox.

Funny thing is that after switching off Hyper-V, Docker for Windows will make noise saying that it needs Hyper-V to be enabled to work properly. So currently I have to keep switching on and off the Hyper-V feature option depends on which tool I’m going to use.

VirtualBox vs. Docker for Windows. Pick one.

There is one important step on running CentOS on the VM. We need to remember to configure the Network of the VM to use network adapter attached to “Bridged Adapter”. This is to connect the VM through the host to whatever is our default network device that allocates IP addresses for our physical network. Doing so will help us to retrieve the Docker image tar file via SCP later.

Then in the Network & Host Name section of the installation, we shall see the IP address allocated to the VM.

The IP Address should be available when Ethernet is connected.

To verify whether it works or not, we simply need to use the following command to check if an IP address is successfully allocated to the VM or not. In the minimal installation of CentOS 7, the command ifconfig is already not in use.

# ip a

We then can get the IP Address which is allocated to the VM. Sometimes, I need to wait for about 5 minutes before it can display the IP address successfully.

The IP address!

Step 2: Installing Docker on VM

After we get the IP address of the VM, we then can SSH into it. On Windows, I use PuTTY, a free SSH client for Windows, to easily SSH to the VM.

SSH to the VM with the IP address using PuTTY.

We proceed to install EPEL repository before we can install Docker on the VM.

Since we are going to use wget to retrieve EPEL, we first need to install wget as following.

# yum install wget

Then we can use the wget command to download EPEL repository on the VM.

# wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

The file will be downloaded to the temp folder. So, to install it we will do the following.

# cd /tmp
# sudo yum install epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

After the installation is done, there should be a success message as following showing on the console.

    epel-release.noarch 0:7-11

Now if we head to /etc/yum.repos.d, we will see the following files.

CentOS-Base.repo        CentOS-fasttrack.repo       CentOS-Vault.repo
CentOS-CR.repo          CentOS-Media.repo           epel.repo
CentOS-Debuginfo.repo   CentOS-Sources.repo         epel-testing.repo

In the CentOS-Base.repo, we need to enable the CentOS Plus repository which is by default disabled. To do so, we simply change the value of enabled to 1 under [centosplus] section.

Then we can proceed to install docker on the VM using yum.

# yum install docker

Step 3: Start Docker

Once docker is installed, we can then start the docker service with the following command.

# service docker start

So now if we list the images and containers inside the docker, the results should be 0 image and 0 container, as shown in the screenshot below.

docker-installed-without-images-and-containers (2)
No image and no container.

Step 4: Building First Docker Image

Thanks to the people in Moby Project, a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems, we have a script to create a base CentOS Docker image using yum.

The script is now available on Moby Project Github repository.

We now need to create a folder called scripts in the root and then create a file called createimage.sh in the folder. This step can be summarized as the following commands.

# mkdir scripts
# cd scripts
# vim createimage.sh

We then need to copy-and-paste the script from Moby Project to createimage.sh.

After that, we need to make createimage.sh executable with the following command.

# chmod +x createimage.sh

To run this script now, we need to do as follows, where centos7base is the name of the image file.

# ./createimage.sh centos7base

After it is done, we will see the centos7base image added in docker. The image is very, very small with only 271MB as its size.

First docker image!

Step 5: Add Something (.NET Core SDK) to Container

Since now we have our first Docker image, then we can proceed to create a container with the following command.

# docker run -i -t  /bin/bash

We will be brought into the container. So now we can simply add something, such as the .NET Core SDK to the container by following the .NET Core installation steps for CentOS 7.1 (64-bit) which can be summarized as the following commands to execute.

# sudo rpm --import https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc

# sudo sh -c 'echo -e "[packages-microsoft-com-prod]\nname=packages-microsoft-com-prod \nbaseurl=https://packages.microsoft.com/yumrepos/microsoft-rhel7.3-prod\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc" > /etc/yum.repos.d/dotnetdev.repo'

# sudo yum update
# sudo yum install libunwind libicu
# sudo yum install dotnet-sdk-2.0.0

# export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dotnet

We then can create a new image from the changes we have done on the container using the following command where the centos_netcore is the repository name and 1.0 is its tag.

docker commit  [centos_netcore:1.0]

We will then realize the new image container will be quite big with 1.7GB as its size. Thanks to .NET Core SDK.

Step 6: Moving the New Image to PC

The next step that we are going to do is exporting the new image as a .tar file using the following command.

docker save  > /tmp/centos_netcore.tar

Now, we need to launch WinSCP to retrieve the .tar file via SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) to local host.

Ready to access the VM via SCP.

Step 7: Load Docker Image

So now we can shutdown the VM and enable back the Hyper-V because the subsequent steps will need Docker for Windows to work.

After restarting our local computer with Hyper-V enabled, we can launch Docker for Windows. After that, we load the image to the Docker using the following command in the directory where we keep the .tar file in local host.

docker load < centos_netcore.tar

Step 8: Running ASP .NET Core Web App on the Docker Image

Now, we can change the Dockerfile to use the new image we created.

FROM centos_netcore:1.0
ARG source
COPY ${source:-obj/Docker/publish} .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "changshi.dll"]

When we hit F5 to make it run in Docker, yup, we will get back the website.

No, just kidding. We will actually get an error message that says localhost doesn’t send any data.

Localhost did not send any data. Why?

So if we read the messages in Visual Studio Output Window, we will see one line of message saying that it’s unable to bind to http://localhost:5000 on the IPv6 loopback interface.


According to Cesar Blum Silveira, Software Engineer from Microsoft ASP .NET Core Team, this problem is because “localhost will attempt to bind to both the IPv4 and IPv6 loopback interfaces. If IPv6 is not available or fails to bind for some reason, you will see that warning.

Explanation of Error -99 EADDRNOTAVAIL by Microsoft engineer. (Link)

Then I switch to view the output from Docker on the Output Window.

Output from Docker

It turns out that the port on docker is port 80. So I tried to add the following line in Program.cs.

public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
    .UseUrls("") // Added this line

Now, it works again with the beautiful web page.


Containers, Containers Everywhere

The whole concept of Docker images, containers, micro-services are still very new to me. Hence, if you spot any problem in my post, feel free to point out. Thanks in advance!
