Infrastructure Management with Terraform

Last week, my friend working in the field of infrastructure management gave me an overview of Infrastructure as Code (IaC).

He came across a tool called Terraform which can automate the deployment and management of cloud resources. Hence, together, we researched on ways to build a simple demo in order to demonstrate how Terraform can help in the cloud infrastructure management.

We decided to start from a simple AWS cloud architecture as demonstrated below.

As illustrated in the diagram, we have a bastion server and an admin server.

A bastion server, aka a jump host, is a server that sits between internet network of a company and the external network, such as the Internet. It is to provide an additional layer of security by limiting the number of entry points to the internet network and allowing for strict access controls and monitoring.

An admin server, on the other hand, is a server used by system admins to manage the cloud resources. Hence the admin server typically includes tools for managing cloud resources, monitoring system performance, deploying apps, and configuring security settings. It’s generally recommended to place an admin server in a private subnet to enhance security and reduce the attack surface of our cloud infrastructure.

In combination, the two servers help to ensure that the cloud infrastructure is secure, well-managed, and highly available.

Show Me the Code!

The complete source code of this project can be found at

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

As we can see in the architecture diagram above, the cloud resources are all available on AWS. We can set them up by creating the resources one by one through the AWS Console. However, doing it manually is not efficient and it is also not easy to be repeatedly done. In fact, there will be other problems arising from doing it with AWS Console manually.

  • Manual cloud resource setup leads to higher possibility of human errors and it takes longer time relatively;
  • Difficult to identify cloud resource in use;
  • Difficult to track modifications in infrastructure;
  • Burden on infrastructure setup and configuration;
  • Redundant work is inevitable for various development environments;
  • Restriction is how only the infrastructure PIC can setup the infrastructure.

A concept known as IaC is thus introduced to solve these problems.

IaC is a way to manage our infrastructure through code in configuration files instead of through manual processes. It is thus a key DevOps practice and a component of continuous delivery.

Based on the architecture diagram, the services and resources necessary for configuring with IaC can be categorised into three parts, i.e. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Key Pair, and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

The resources necessary to be created.

There are currently many IaC tools available. The tools are categorised into two major groups, i.e. those using declarative language and those using imperative language. Terraform is one of them and it is using Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL), a declarative language.

The workflow for infrastructure provisioning using Terraform can be summarised as shown in the following diagram.

The basic process of Terraform. (Credit: HashiCorp Developer)

We first write the HCL code. Then Terraform will verify the status of the code and apply it to the infrastructure if there is no issue in verification. Since Terraform is using a declarative language, it will do the identification of resources itself without the need of us to manually specify the dependency of resources, sometimes.

After command apply is executed successfully, we can check the applied infrastructure list through the command terraform state list. We can also check records of output variable we defined through the command terraform output.

When the command terraform apply is executed, a status information file called terraform.tfstate will be automatically created.

After understanding the basic process of Terraform, we proceed to write the HCL for different modules of the infrastructure.


The components of a Terraform code written with the HCL are as follows.

Terraform code.

In Terraform, there are three files, i.e.,, and recommended to have for a minimal module, even if they’re empty. The file should be the primary entry point. The other two files, and, should contain the declarations for variables and outputs, respectively.

For variables, we have file which defines the necessary variables and terraform.tfvars file which allocated value to the defined variables.

In the diagram above, we also see that there is a terraform block. It is to declare status info, version info, action, etc. of Terraform. For example, we use the following HCL code to set the Terraform version to use and also specify the location for storing the status info file generated by Terraform.

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket  = "my-terraform-01"
    key     = "test/terraform.tfstate"
    region  = "ap-southeast-1"
  required_version = ">=1.1.3"

Terraform uses a state file to map real world resources to our configuration, keep track of metadata, and to improve performance for large infrastructures. The state is stored by default in a file named “terraform.tfstate”.

This is a S3 bucket we use for storing our Terraform state file.

The reason why we keep our terraform.tfstat file on the cloud, i.e. the S3 bucket, is because state is a necessary requirement for Terraform to function and thus we must make sure that it is stored in a centralised repo which cannot be easily deleted. Doing this also good for everyone in the team because they will be working with the same state so that operations will be applied to the same remote objects.

Finally, we have a provider block which declares cloud environment or provider to be created with Terraform, as shown below. Here, we will be creating our resources on AWS Singapore region.

provider "aws" {
  region = "ap-southeast-1"

Module 1: VPC

Firstly, in Terraform, we will have a VPC module created with resources listed below.

1.1 VPC

resource "aws_vpc" "my_simple_vpc" {
  cidr_block = ""

  tags = {
    Name = "${var.resource_prefix}-my-vpc",

The resource_prefix is a string to make sure all the resources created with the Terraform getting the same prefix. If your organisation has different naming rules, then feel free to change the format accordingly.

1.2 Subnets

The public subnet for the bastion server is defined as follows. The private IP of the bastion server will be in the format of 10.2.10.X. We also set the map_public_ip_on_launch to true so that instances launched into the subnet should be assigned a public IP address.

resource "aws_subnet" "public" {
  count                   = 1
  vpc_id                  =
  availability_zone       = data.aws_availability_zones.available.names[count.index]
  cidr_block              = "10.2.1${count.index}.0/24"
  map_public_ip_on_launch = true

  tags = tomap({
    Name = "${var.resource_prefix}-public-subnet${count.index + 1}",

The private subnet for the bastion server is defined as follows. The admin server will then have a private IP with the format of 10.2.20.X.

resource "aws_subnet" "private" {
  count                   = 1
  vpc_id                  =
  availability_zone       = data.aws_availability_zones.available.names[count.index]
  cidr_block              = "10.2.2${count.index}.0/24"
  map_public_ip_on_launch = false

  tags = tomap({
    Name = "${var.resource_prefix}-private-subnet${count.index + 1}",

The aws_availability_zones data source is part of the AWS provider and retrieves a list of availability zones based on the arguments supplied. Here, we make the public subnet and private subnet to be in the same first availability zones.

1.3 Internet Gateway

Normally, if we create an internet gateway via AWS console, for example, we will sometimes forget to associate it with the VPC. With Terraform, we can do the association in the code and thus reduce the chance of setting up the internet gateway wrongly.

resource "aws_internet_gateway" "igw" {
  vpc_id =

  tags = {
    Name = "${var.resource_prefix}-igw"

1.4 NAT Gateway

Even though Terraform is a declarative language, i.e. a language describing an intended goal rather than the steps to reach that goal, we can use the depends_on meta-argument to handle hidden resource or module dependencies that Terraform cannot automatically infer.

resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat_gateway" {
  allocation_id =
  subnet_id     = element(aws_subnet.public.*.id, 0)
  depends_on    = [aws_internet_gateway.igw]

  tags = {
    Name = "${var.resource_prefix}-nat-gw"

1.5 Elastic IP (EIP)

If you have noticed, in the NAT gateway definition above, we have assigned a public IP to it using EIP. Since Terraform is declarative, the ordering of blocks is generally not significant. So we can define the EIP after the NAT gateway.

resource "aws_eip" "nat" {
  vpc        = true
  depends_on = [aws_internet_gateway.igw]

  tags = {
    Name = "${var.resource_prefix}-NAT"

1.6 Route Tables

Finally, we just need to link the resources above with both public and private route tables, as defined below.

resource "aws_route_table" "public_route" {
  vpc_id =
  route {
    cidr_block = ""
    gateway_id =

  tags = {
    Name = "${var.resource_prefix}-public-route"

resource "aws_route_table_association" "public_route" {
  count          = 1
  subnet_id      = aws_subnet.public.*.id[count.index]
  route_table_id =

resource "aws_route_table" "private_route" {
  vpc_id =
  route {
    cidr_block     = ""
    nat_gateway_id =

  tags = {
    Name = "${var.resource_prefix}-private-route",

resource "aws_route_table_association" "private_route" {
  count          = 1
  subnet_id      = aws_subnet.private.*.id[count.index]
  route_table_id =

That’s all we need to do the setup the VPC on AWS as illustrated in the diagram.

MODULE 2: Key pair

Before we move on the create the two instances, we will need to define a key pair. A key pair is a set of security credentials that we use to prove our identity when connecting to an EC2 instance. Hence, we need to ensure that we have access to the selected key pair before we launch the instances.

If we are doing this on the AWS Console, we will be seeing this part on the console as shown below.

The GUI on the AWS Console to create a new key pair.

So, we can use the same info to define the key pair.

resource "tls_private_key" "instance_key" {
  algorithm = "RSA"

resource "aws_key_pair" "generated_key" {
  key_name = var.keypair_name
  public_key = tls_private_key.instance_key.public_key_openssh
  depends_on = [

resource "local_file" "key" {
  content = tls_private_key.instance_key.private_key_pem
  filename = "${var.keypair_name}.pem"
  file_permission ="0400"
  depends_on = [

The tls_private_key is to create a PEM (and OpenSSH) formatted private key. This is not a recommended way for production because it will generate the private key file and keep it unencrypted in the directory where we run the Terraform commands. Instead, we should generate the private key file outside of Terraform and distribute it securely to the system where Terraform will be run.


Once we have the key pair, we can finally move on to define how the bastion and admin servers can be created. We can define a module for the servers as follows.

resource "aws_instance" "linux_server" {
  ami                         = var.ami
  instance_type               = var.instance_type
  subnet_id                   = var.subnet_id
  associate_public_ip_address = var.is_in_public_subnet
  key_name                    = var.key_name
  vpc_security_group_ids      = [ ]
  tags = {
    Name = var.server_name
  user_data = var.user_data

resource "aws_security_group" "linux_server_security_group" {
  name         =
  description  = var.security_group.description
  vpc_id       = var.vpc_id
  ingress {
    description = "SSH inbound"
    from_port = 22
    to_port = 22
    protocol = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = [""]
  egress {
    description = "Allow All egress rule"
    from_port = 0
    to_port = 0
    protocol = "-1"
    cidr_blocks = [""]
  tags = {
    Name =

By default, AWS creates an ALLOW ALL egress rule when creating a new security group inside of a VPC. However, Terraform will remove this default rule, and require us to specifically re-create it if we desire that rule. Hence that is why we need to include the protocol=”-1″ egress block above.

The of EC2 instance module is defined as follows.

output "instance_public_ip" {
  description = "Public IP address of the EC2 instance."
  value       = aws_instance.linux_server.public_ip

output "instance_private_ip" {
  description = "Private IP address of the EC2 instance in the VPC."
  value       = aws_instance.linux_server.private_ip

With this definition, once the Terraform workflow is completed, the public IP of our bastion server and the private IP of our admin server will be displayed. We can then easily use these two IPs to connect to the servers.

Main Configuration

With all the above modules, we can finally define our AWS infrastructure using the following

module "vpc" {
  source          = "./vpc_module"
  resource_prefix = var.resource_prefix
module "keypair" {
  source              = "./keypair_module"
  keypair_name        = "my_keypair"
module "ec2_bastion" {
  source              = "./ec2_module"
  ami                 = "ami-062550af7b9fa7d05"       # Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type
  instance_type       = "t2.micro"
  server_name         = "bastion_server"
  subnet_id           = module.vpc.public_subnet_ids[0]
  is_in_public_subnet = true
  key_name            = module.keypair.key_name
  security_group      = {
    name        = "bastion_sg"
    description = "This firewall allows SSH"
  vpc_id              = module.vpc.vpc_id
module "ec2_admin" {
  source              = "./ec2_module"
  ami                 = "ami-062550af7b9fa7d05"       # Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type
  instance_type       = "t2.micro"
  server_name         = "admin_server"
  subnet_id           = module.vpc.private_subnet_ids[0]
  is_in_public_subnet = false
  key_name            = module.keypair.key_name
  security_group      = {
    name        = "admin_sg"
    description = "This firewall allows SSH"
  user_data           = "${file("")}"
  vpc_id              = module.vpc.vpc_id
  depends_on          = [module.vpc.aws_route_table_association]

Here, we will pre-install the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) in the admin server. Hence, we have the following script in the file. The script will be run when the admin server is launched.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y awscli

However, since the script above will be downloading AWS CLI from the Internet, we need to make sure that the routing from private network to the Internet via the NAT gateway is already done. Instead of using the depends_on meta-argument directly on the module, which will have side effect, we choose to use a recommended way, i.e. expression references.

Expression references let Terraform understand which value the reference derives from and avoid planning changes if that particular value hasn’t changed, even if other parts of the upstream object have planned changes.

Thus, I made the change accordingly with expression references. In the change, I forced the description of security group which the admin server depends on to use the the private route table association ID returned from the VPC module. Doing so will make sure that the admin server is created only after the private route table is setup properly.

With expression references, we force the admin server to be created at a later time, as compared to the bastion server.

If we don’t force the admin_server to be created after the private route table is completed, the script may fail and we can find the error logs at /var/log/cloud-init-output.log on the admin server. In addition, please remember that even though terraform apply runs just fine without any error, it does not mean user_data script is run successfully without any error as well. This is because Terraform knows nothing about the status of user_data script.

We can find the error in the log file cloud-init-output.log in the admin server.


With the Terraform files ready, now we can move on to go through the Terraform workflow using the commands.

Before we begin, besides installing Terraform, since we will deploy the infrastructure on AWS, we also shall configure the AWS CLI using the following command on the machine where we will run the Terraform commands.

aws configure

Once it is done then only we can move on to the following steps.

Firstly, we need to download plug-in necessary for the defined provider, backend, etc.

Initialising Terraform with the command terraform init.

After it is successful, there will be a message saying “Terraform has been successfully initialized!” A hidden .terraform directory, which Terraform uses to manage cached provider plugins and modules, will be automatically created.

Only after initialisation is completed, we can execute other commands, like terraform plan.

Result of executing the command terraform plan.

After running the command terraform plan, as shown in the screenshot above, we know that there are in total 17 resources to be added and two outputs, i.e. the two IPs of the two servers, will be generated.

Apply is successfully completed. All 17 resources added to AWS.

We can also run the command terraform output to get the two IPs. Meanwhile, we can also find the my_keypair.pem file which is generated by the tls_private_key we defined earlier.

The PEM file is generated by Terraform.

Now, if we check the resources, such as the two EC2 instances, on AWS Console, we should see they are all there up and running.

The bastion server and admin server are created automatically with Terraform.

Now, let’s see if we can access the admin server via the bastion server using the private key. In fact, there is no problem to access and we can also realise that the AWS CLI is already installed properly, as shown in the screenshot below.

With the success of user_data script, we can use AWS CLI on the admin server.

Deleting the Cloud Resources

To delete what we have just setup using the Terraform code, we simply run the command terraform destroy. The complete deletion of the cloud resources is done within 3 minutes. This is definitely way more efficient than doing it manually on AWS Console.

All the 17 resources have been deleted successfully and the private key file is deleted too.


That is all for what I had researched on with my friend.

If you are interested, feel free to checkout our Terraform source code at

MS SQL on AWS: Amazon RDS


There are some startups and SMEs hosting their databases on AWS. However, most of them choose to use Amazon EC2 because doing so is similar to running a SQL Server on-premise at data centres. So, to them, it’s something that they are familiar with back in the old days. However, doing so actually increases their cost of hosting services on AWS. The companies also need to hire experts to do database administration such as database backup and recovery and OS patching.

Hence, if I’m given the opportunity, I usually recommend the small companies with limited resources to consider Amazon RDS (or Azure SQL) first. Amazon RDS is a fully managed service which provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity while automating time-consuming database administration tasks.

Multi-AZ Deployments for MS SQL Server

Starting from May 2014, Amazon RDS also provides a highly available database solution with the synchronous Multi-AZ replication for MS SQL. Multi-AZ deployments for MS SQL database instances use SQL Server Mirroring.

Currently, Amazon RDS only supports Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2008 R2, 2012, 2014, and 2016. Amazon RDS also does not support Multi-AZ with Mirroring for the following regions yet:

  • US West (N. California);
  • Asia Pacific (Singapore);
  • European Union (Frankfurt);
  • AWS GovCloud (US);
  • Asia Pacific (Sdyney): Supported for DB instances in VPCs only;
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo): Supported for DB instances in VPCs only;
  • South America (São Paulo): Supported for all DB instance classes except m1/m2.

It’s quite unfortunate that Singapore Region is one of them.

In N. Virginia Region, we’re able to specify to use Multi-AZ Deployment in Production SQL Server SE.

DB Instance Class

We can specify the DB Instance Class that allocates the computational, network, and memory capacity required by planned workload of the database instance.

DB Instance Classes available in MS SQL 2016 on AWS.

Standard (db.m4) instances offer a balance of compute, memory, and network resources, and are a good choice for many applications.

Memory Optimized (db.r3) instances are designed to deliver fast performance for workloads that process large data sets in memory. The instances are well suited for the applications, such as high performance relational databases, in-memory analytics, and enterprise applications (for example, Microsoft SharePoint).

Burst Capable (db.t2) instances are instances that provide baseline performance level with the ability to burst to full CPU usage.

Storage Types

Most of the Amazon RDS are using Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) volumes for database and log storage. There are currently two main Storage Types available when setting up MS SQL database instances, as listed below.

General Purpose (SSD) storage, aka gp2, offers cost-effective storage which is suitable for a broad range of database workloads. Hence, it’s ideal for small to medium-sized databases. It provides baseline of 3 IOPS/GB and ability to burst to 3,000 IOPS for extended periods of time. Its volume can range from 20GB to 4TB for MS SQL database instances. However, provisioning less than 100 GB of General Purpose (SSD) storage for high throughput workloads could result in higher latencies upon exhaustion of the initial General Purpose (SSD) I/O Credit balance.

Provisioned IOPS (SSD) storage, aka io1, is suitable for I/O intensive database workloads which pay attention to storage performance and consistency in random access I/O throughput. It provides flexibility to provision I/O ranging from 1,000 to 30,000 IOPS. MS SQL can have provisioned IOPS volumes between 100GB (Express/Web edition) or 200GB (Standard/Enterprise edition) and 4TB.

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Pricing for Singapore region.

Allocated Storage and I/O Credits

General Purpose (SSD) storage performance is controlled by the volume size. Larger volumes have higher base performance levels and can accumulate I/O Credits faster. The more storage, the greater the base performance is and the faster it replenishes the credit balance.

For General Purpose (SSD) storage, the DB instance has an initial I/O Credits balance of 5.4 million. When the storage requires more than the base performance I/O level, it uses I/O credits in the credit balance to burst to the required performance level, up to a maximum of 3,000 IOPS. If the storage uses all of its I/O credit balance, its maximum performance will remain at the base performance level until I/O demand drops below the base level and unused credits are added to the I/O credit balance at the baseline performance rate of 3 IOPS/GB of volume size. Hence, we can use the formula below to calculate the Burst Duration.



Thus, for production application that requires fast and consistent I/O performance, it’s recommended to use Provisioned IOPS (SSD) storage that is optimized for I/O intensive, online transaction processing workloads that have consistent performance requirements. Note that we cannot decrease storage allocated for a DB instance.

For MS SQL Server, Amazon RDS does not currently support increasing storage. Hence, we need to provision storage based on anticipated future storage growth. If we predict it wrongly, then we need to increase the storage of an existing SQL Server DB instance by first exporting the data, creating a new database instance with increased storage, and then importing the data into the new database instance.

Specifying Database Instance Specification

After understanding key concepts above, we can then proceed to setup our database instance.

Although there is Free Tier available but allocating storage > 20GB or adding provisioned IOPS will disqualify the databse instance from being eligible for the Free Tier.

Network and Security: VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

Amazon RDS database instances can be hosted on either EC2-VPC platform or the legacy EC2-Classic platform, the original platform used by Amazon RDS. Amazon VPC launches AWS resources, such as database instances, into a virtual private cloud.

Nowadays, if we are creating a database instance in a region that we have not used before, we normally are already on the EC2-VPC platform.

We are already on EC2-VPC platform.

There are many scenarios for accessing a database instance in a VPC. Today, I will only focus on having an EC2 web server to access the database instance in the same VPC.

A database instance in a VPC accessed by an EC2 instance in the same VPC (Source: AWS Documentation)

In such scenario, Amazon RDS database instance normally needs to be available to the web server, and not to the public Internet. Hence, we can create a VPC with both public and private subnets. The web server will be hosted in the public subnet so that it is accessible by the public. The database instance is hosted in the private subnet so that it won’t be available to the public Internet, providing greater security.

The Security Group used to restrict access to the database instances can have a custom rule that allows TCP access using the port 1433 and an IP address we will use to access the database instance for development or other purposes. In addition, we also need to set the Public Accessible option to Yes first (It is recommended to set the option to No for production database instance to limit the potential thread with no public routes).

Encryption of Database Instances using Key Management Service (KMS)

Amazon RDS for MS SQL supports the encryption of database instances with encryption keys managed in AWS KMS. Once the data is encrypted, Amazon RDS handles authentication of access and decryption of the data transparently without having the need to change our database client applications.

Currently, encryption of database instances (Data-in-Rest Protection) is not available for those which are running SQL Server Express Edition.

Backup and Maintenance

Amazon RDS automatically backup our database instances. It creates a storage volume snapshot of our database instance, backing up the entire database instance and not just individual databases. We can setup and modify our preferred Backup Window from time to time. During the automatic backup window, storage I/O might be suspended briefly while the backup process initializes (typically under a few seconds). For SQL Server, I/O activity is suspended briefly during backup for Multi-AZ deployments.

By default, Amazon RDS has a 30-minute backup window randomly selected from an 8-hour block (Singapore region will be 14:00–22:00 UTC).

Periodically, Amazon RDS also automatically does maintenance work such as, updating the databse instance’s or database cluster’s OS. We can choose to manually apply maintenance, or wait for the automatic maintenance process initiated during our preferred maintenance window. There is one thing to take note is that the maintenance window determines when pending operations start, but does not limit the total execution time of these operations.

By default, Amazon RDS also has a 30-minute maintenance window randomly selected from an 8-hour block (Singapore region will be 14:00–22:00 UTC).

We’re not allowed to make the maintenance window and the backup window overlap.


Amazon RDS sends metrics to CloudWatch for each active database instance every minute. Detailed monitoring is enabled by default.

Amazon RDS Metrics

When setting up the database instance, there is an option for us to specify whether to enable Enhanced Monitoring or not. Enhanced Monitoring is not exactly like CloudWatch. CloudWatch gathers metrics about CPU utilization from the hypervisor for a database instance, and Enhanced Monitoring gathers its metrics from an agent on the instance.

Enhanced monitoring requires permission to act on our behalf to send OS metric information to CloudWatch Logs.


It’s true that AWS allows us to deploy our MS SQL Server database on either Amazon RDS and Amazon EC2. However, it’s very crucial to analyze our needs and our application before deciding which one to use. In general, it is still recommended to consider Amazon RDS first so that developers can focus on high-level tasks and business logic implementation.

That’s all for my first trip to Amazon RDS. As a frequent user of Microsoft Azure, I never host MS SQL Server on AWS platform. So, if there is any mistake made in this article, kindly feedback to me. Thanks in advance!

Further Reading

Deploying Microsoft SQL Server on Amazon Web Services

AWSome Day – Learning AWS from Experts and IAM


It’s fortunate to work in a company which encourages employees to attend courses, workshops, and training to expand their skill set. Last month, when I told my boss about AWSome Day, a training event hold by AWS expert technical instructors, my boss immediately gave me one day leave (without deducting my annual leave) to attend the event. In addition, I’m glad to have awesome teammates who helped me to handle my work on that day so that I could concentrate during the event. Thus, I would like to write a series of blog posts to share about what I’ve learnt in AWSome Day.

Amazon AWSome Day

This is the second time the AWSome Day was organized in Singapore. Based on last year AWS Summit attendees, a lot of them were looking for more professional training from AWS, and thus AWSome Day once again came to Singapore. This year, the event is at Raffles City Convention Centre, which is just a 5-minute walk from my office. Oh my tian, that is so convenient!

AWSome Day, Awesome Place - Raffles City Convention Centre
AWSome Day, Awesome Place – Raffles City Convention Centre

The registration started at 8am. After that, Richard Harshman, the Head of AWS ASEAN, gave an opening keynote. He shared with us how AWS had removed barrier of entry to start a business online and to increase innovation. My friend who worked in MNC once told me that he was given access to powerful servers to do crazy stuff. I am not as lucky as him. I am working in a startup which does not have sufficient financial capability for that. Hence, I agreed with Richard that AWS (and other cloud computing services as well) does reduce the cost of innovation and experimentation.

Richard also shared with us a story how with the help of AWS, some startup in Malaysia managed to get a few million of visits monthly without an in-house system admin. Yup, our company also does not have a sysadmin. Normally, the work of sysadmin is done by the developers. Hence, we are always looking for a way to reduce the time used on sysadmin tasks so that developers have more time to focus on improving the applications to serve our customers better. So, cloud computing infrastructure with board and deep services to support online workload helps high volume and low margin businesses like ours.

Currently, our company is using both AWS and Microsoft Azure. So, when Richard shared a graph how both AWS and Microsoft are now leaders in cloud computing service, I was glad that we made a right choice to use services from both of them.

After the opening keynote, we had a short coffee break and then we began the 6-hour journey of AWS training which was done by Denny Daniel, Technical Trainer at AWS. Since the training covers many interesting topics, I will not blog all of them here because most of the readers will just tl;dr. I will only write what I learnt and I found useful in my career. So, if you are interested in the event, why not join the future training offered by AWS Singapore? =)

Episode 01: Who am I? I am, I am… I am Identity and Access Management (IAM)!

One of the main concerns about hosting our applications on clouds is security. One of the security tools provided by AWS is called Identity and Access Management, or IAM. It enables the system admin to manage users and their access rights in AWS. Hence, in AWS, each user accessing AWS will have their own security credentials and individual permissions to each AWS service and resource.

Create User
Create User

After users have been created, we will be given a one-time opportunity to download and keep the user security credentials (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key). Since the keys are displayed only for one time, once the secret key is lost, we must delete the access key and then create a new key.

IAM is secured by default. It means that, by default, IAM users do not have permission to create or modify Amazon EC2 resources. Hence, an IAM policy, which is just a JSON document specifying the rules, is needed.

Besides creating users, we are able to create groups. Thus, instead of assigning each similar user a same set of access control policies, we can also assign the users to a group and then bind the access control policies to the group. This undoubtedly eases the user management. In addition, AWS even allows us to customize the permissions based on a given template!

There are many, many permission templates available when creating a user group.
There are many, many permission templates available when creating a user group.

Another thing that I find interesting is how IAM works with tags.

In order to  manage Amazon EC2 resources effectively, we can now tag the resources ourselves with a combination of a key and a value. For example, we can tag our instances in EC2 by owner. So, we can have one instance tagged with “Environment=Production” and another instance tagged with “Environment=Test”. After that, we then can grant IAM user permission to the instances by using the tag with condition key ec2:ResourceTag/Environment.

Finally, in the event, Denny also shared with us a YouTube video about the best practices of using IAM. I am not sure if I got the one he was referring to. Anyway, the following video is what I found on YouTube.

The video is a bit long. So for those who say tl;dw, I summarize the 10 tips below.

  1. Create individual users. Do not just use root credential. Do not have one user account where everybody in the team uses to do everything;
  2. Manage permissions with groups so that only one change needed to update permissions for multiple users. Even now you only have one user in the team, it’s encourage to create a group for that user because at some point there will be new users who are going to need the same permissions;
  3. Grant leas privilege. Only grant the permissions that are required by the users to do their jobs. Less chance of people making mistakes. Avoid assigning asterisk (*) policy for permissions which means full access unless the account is for admin;
  4. Use a policy to force users having a strong password;

    Password Policy
    Password Policy
  5. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for privileged users;

    Enable MFA.
    Enable MFA.
  6. Use IAM roles for Amazon EC2 instances;
  7. Use IAM roles to share access without the need to share security credentials;
  8. Rotate security credentials regularly. Access keys need to be rotated. Make sure the old access keys have been deleted after the rotation;
  9. Restrict privileged access further with conditions. There are 2 types of conditions. One is AWS common condition, such as date, time, MFA, secure transport (allow traffic coming over SSL only), source of IP, etc. Another one is service-specified condition. Some services provide hundreds of conditions that we can control;
  10. Reduce or remove the use of root account.

"What? You are always using root credential?" The best practice of all: Don't use root access.
“What? You are always using root credential?” The best practice of all: Don’t use root access. (Image Credit: Is the Order a Rabbit?)

Next Episode

There are many topics about AWS covered during the event. IAM is just a small part of it. However, with just IAM alone, I already feel that there are too many areas in IAM waiting for me to discover. Hence, I will continue to write more about what I’ve learned in the future blog posts.

Also, due to the fact that I am new to AWS, if you spot anything wrong in my posts, feel free to correct me in the comment section below. =)