Using Docker and Kubernetes without Docker Desktop on Windows 11

Last week, my friend who is working on a microservice project at work suddenly messaged me saying that he realised Docker Desktop is no longer free.

Docker Desktop is basically an app that can be installed on our Windows machine to build and share containerised apps and microservices. It provides a straightforward GUI to manage our containers and images directly from our local machine.

Docker Desktop also includes a standalone Kubernetes server running locally within our Docker instance. It is thus very convenient for the developers to perform local testing easily using Docker Desktop.

Despite Docker Desktop remaining free for small businesses, personal use, education, and non-commercial open source projects, it now requires a paid subscription for professional use in larger businesses. Consequently, my friend expressed a desire for me to suggest a fast and free alternative for development without relying on Docker Desktop.

Install Docker Engine on WSL

Before we continue, we need to understand that Docker Engine is the fundamental runtime that powers Docker containers, while Docker Desktop is a higher-level application that includes Docker Engine. Hence, Docker Engine can also be used independently without Docker Desktop on local machine.

Fortunately, Docker Engine is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Thus, we are allowed to use it in our commercial products for free.

In order to install Docker Engine on Windows without using Docker Desktop, we need to utilise the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) to run it.

Step 1: Enable WSL

We have to enable WSL from the Windows Features by checking the option “Windows Subsystem for Linux”, as shown in the screenshot below.

After that, we can press “OK” and wait for the operation to be completed. We will then be asked to restart our computer.

If we already have WSL installed earlier, we can update the built-in WSL to the Microsoft latest version of WSL using the “wsl –update” command in Command Prompt.

Later, if we want to shutdown WSL, we can run the command “wsl –shutdown”.

Step 2: Install Linux Distribution

After we restarted our machine, we can use the Microsoft Store app and look for the Linux distribution we want to use, for example Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, as shown below.

We then can launch Ubuntu 20.04 LTS from our Start Menu. To find out the version of Linux you are using, you can run the command “wslfetch”, as shown below.

For the first timer, we need to set the Linux username and password.

Step 3: Install Docker

Firstly, we need to update the Ubuntu APT repository using the “sudo apt update” command.

After we see the message saying that we have successfully updated the apt repository, we can proceed to install Docker. Here, the “-y” option is used to grant the permission to install required packages automatically.

When Docker is installed, we need to make a new user group with the name “docker” by utilising the below-mentioned command.

Docker Engine acts as a client-server application with a server that has a long-running daemon process dockerd. dockerd is the command used to start the Docker daemon on Linux systems. The Docker daemon is a background process that manages the Docker environment and is responsible for creating, starting, stopping, and managing Docker containers.

Before we can build images using Docker, we need to use dockerd, as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 4: Using Docker on WSL

Now, we simply need to open another WSL terminal and execute docker commands, such as docker ps, docker build, etc.

With this, we can now push our image to Docker Hub from our local Windows machine.

Configure a local Kubernetes

Now if we try to run the command line tool, kubectl, we will find out that the command is still not yet available.

We can use the following commands to install kubectl.

$ curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl

$ chmod +x ./kubectl

$ sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

$ kubectl version --client

The following screenshot shows what we can see after running the commands above.

After we have kubectl, we need to make Kubernetes available on our local machine. To do so, we need to install minikube, a local Kubernetes. minikube can setup a local Kubernetes cluster on macOS, Linux, and Windows.

To install the latest minikube stable release on x86-64 Linux using binary download:

$ curl -LO

$ sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube

The following is the results of running the installation of minicube. We also run the minicube by executing the command “minikube start”.

We can now run some basic kubectl commands, as shown below.


[KOSD] Dockerise an ASP .NET Core 6.0 Web App

Let’s assume now we want to dockerise a new ASP .NET Core 6.0 web app project that we have locally.

Now, when we build and run the project, we should be able to view it on localhost as shown below.

The default homepage of a new ASP .NET Core web app.

Before adding the .NET app to the Docker image, first it must be published with the following command.

dotnet publish --configuration Release
Build, run, and publish our ASP .NET Core web app.

Create the Dockerfile

Now, we will create a file named Dockerfile in directory containing the .csproj and open it in VS Code. The content of the Dockerfile is as follows.


COPY bin/Release/net6.0/publish/ App/
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "Lunar.Dashboard.dll"]

A Dockerfile must begin with a FROM instruction. It specifies the parent image from which we are building. Here, we are using, an image contains the ASP.NET Core 6.0 and .NET 6.0 runtimes for running ASP.NET Core web apps.

The COPY command tells Docker to copy the publish folder from our computer to the App folder in the container. Then the current directory inside of the container is changed to App with the WORKDIR command.

Finally, the ENTRYPOINT command tells Docker to configure the container to run as an executable.

Docker Build

Now that we have the Dockerfile, we can build an image from it.

In order to perform docker build, we first need to navigate the our project root folder and issue the docker build command, as shown below.

docker build -t lunar-dashboard -f Dockerfile .

We assign a tag lunar-dashboard to the image name using -t. We then specify the name of the Dockerfile using -f. The . in the command tells Docker to use the current folder, i.e. our project root folder, as the context.

Once the build is successful, we can locate the newly created image with the docker images command, as highlighted in the screenshot below.

The default docker images command will show all top level images.

Create a Container

Now that we have an image lunar-dashboard that contains our ASP .NET Core web app, we can create a container with the docker run command. 

docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name lunar-dashboard-app lunar-dashboard

When we start a container, we must decide if it should be run in a detached mode, i.e. background mode, or in a foreground mode. By default the container will be running in foreground.

In the foreground mode, the console that we are using to execute docker run will be attached to standard input, output and error. This is not what we want. What we want is after we start up the container, we can still use the console for other commands. Hence, the container needs to be in detached mode. To do so, we use the -d option which will start the container in detached mode.

We then publish a port of the container to the host with -p 8080:80, where 8080 is the host port and 80 is the container port.

Finally, we name our container lunar-dashboard-app with the --name option. If we do not assign a container name with the --name option, then the daemon will generate a random string name for us. Most of the time, the auto-generated name is quite hard to remember, so it’s better for us to give a meaningful name to the container so we can easily refer the container later.

After we run the docker run command, we should be able to find our newly created container lunar-dashboard with the docker ps command, as shown in the following screenshot. The option -a is to show all containers because by default docker ps will show only containers which are running.

Our container lunar-dashboard is now running.

Now, if we visit the localhost at port 8080, we shall be able to see our web app running smoothly.

This web app is hosting on our Docker container.

Running Docker on Windows 11 Home

You may notice that I am using WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). This is because to install Docker Desktop, which includes the Docker Engine that builds and containerise our apps, on Windows, we need to have Hyper-V feature enabled. However, Hyper-V is available only on Windows 10/11 Pro, Enterprise, and Education.

Hence, I have no choice but to use WSL, which runs a Linux kernel inside of a lightweight utility VM. WSL provides a mechanism for running Docker (with Linux containers) on the Windows machine.

For those who are interested to read more about this, please refer to a very detailed online tutorial about how to run Docker with WSL, written by Padok SRE Baptiste Guerin.


KOSD, or Kopi-O Siew Dai, is a type of Singapore coffee that I enjoy. It is basically a cup of coffee with a little bit of sugar. This series is meant to blog about technical knowledge that I gained while having a small cup of Kopi-O Siew Dai.

Run an Audio Server on Azure

Recently with music-streaming services like Spotify and YouTube Music getting popular, one may ask whether it’s possible to setup personal music-streaming service. The answer is yes.

There is a solution called Subsonic, which is developed by Sindre Mehus. However, Subsonic is no longer open source after 2016. Hence, we would talk about another open-source project inspired by Subsonic, i.e. Airsonic. According the the official website, the goal of Airsonic is to provide a full-featured, stable, self-hosted media server based on the Subsonic codebase that is free, open source, and community driven. So, let’s see how we can get Airsonic up and running on Azure.

Ubuntu on Microsoft Azure

Azure Virtual Machines supports running Linux and Windows. Airsonic can be installed on both Linux and Windows too. Since Linux is an open-source software server, it will be cheaper to run it on Azure than a Windows server.

Currently, Azure supports common Linux distributions including Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Red Hat, SUSE. Here, we would choose to use Ubuntu because it certainly has the upper hand when it comes to documentation and online help which makes finding OS-related solutions to easy. In addition, Ubuntu is updated frequently with LTS (Long Term Support) version released once every two years. Finally, if you are users of Debian-style distributions, Ubuntu will be a comfortable pick.

Ubuntu LTS and interim releases timeline. (Source:

Azure VM Size, Disk Size, and Cost

We should deploy a VM that provides the necessary performance for the workload at hand.

The B-series VMs are ideal for workloads that do not need the full performance of the CPU continuously. Hence, things like web servers, small databases, and our current project Airsonic is a suitable use case for B-series VMs. Hence, we will go for B1s which has only 1 virtual CPU and 1GiB of RAM. We don’t choose B1ls which has the smallest memory and lowest cost among Azure VM instances is because the installation of Airsonic on B1ls is found to be not successful. The lowest we can go is only B1s.

Choosing B1s as the VM size to host Airsonic.

For the OS disk type, instead of the default Premium SSD option, we will go for Standard SSD because it is not only a lower-cost SSD offering, but also more suitable for our audio application which is lightly used.

Remove Public Inbound Ports and Public IP Address

It’s not alright to have SSH port exposed to the Internet because there will be SSH attacks. Hence, we will remove the default public inbound ports. This will make all traffic from the Internet will be blocked. Later we will need to use a VPN connection instead to connect to the VM.

Remove all public inbound ports.

By default, when we create a VM on Azure Portal, there will be a public IP address given. It’s always recommended to not have public IP bound to the VM directly even there is only a single VM. Instead, we should deploy a load balancer in front of the VM and then have the VM bound to the load balancer. This will eventually make our life easier when we want to scale out our VM.

To not have any public IP address assigned to the VM, as shown in the screenshot below, we need to change the value of Public IP to “None”.

Setting Public IP to “None”.

Setup Virtual Network and VPN Gateway

When we create an Azure VM, we must create a Virtual Network (VNet) or use an existing VNet. A VNet is a virtual, isolated portion of the Azure public network. A VNet can then be further segmented into one or more subnets.

It is important to plan how our VM is intended to be accessed on the VNet before creating the actual VM.

The VNet configuration that we will be setting up for this project.

Since we have removed all the inbound public ports for the VM, we need to communicate with the VM through VPN. Hence, we currently need to have at least two subnets where one is for the VM and another one is for the VPN Gateway. We will add the subnet for VPN Gateway later. Now, we just do as follows.

Configuring VNet for our new VM.

Setup Point-to-Site (P2S) VPN Connection

There are already many tutorials available online about how to setup P2S VPN on Azure, for example the one written by Dishan Francis in Microsoft Tech Community, so I will not talk about how to setup the VPN Gateway on Azure. Instead, I’d like to highlight that P2S Connection is not configurable on Azure Portal if you are choosing the Basic type of the Azure VPN Gateway.

Once the VM deployment is successful, we can head to where the VNet it is located at. Then, we add the VPN Gateway subnet as shown in the screenshot below. As you can see, unlike the other subnets, the Gateway Subnet entry always has its name fixed to “GatewaySubnet” which we cannot modify.

Specifying the subnet address range for the VPN Gateway.

Next, we create a VPN Gateway. Since we are using the gateway for P2S, the type of VPN needs to be route-based. The gateway SKU that we chose here is the lowest cost, which is VpnGw1. Meanwhile, the Subnet field will be automatically chosen once we specify our VNet.

Creating a route-based VPN gateway.

The VPN gateway deployment process takes about 25 minutes. So while waiting for it to complete, we can proceed to create self-sign root and client certificates. Only root cert will be used in setting up the VPN Gateway here. The client certificate is used for installation on other computers which need P2S connections.

Once the VPN gateway is successfully deployed, we will then submit the root cert data to configure P2S, as shown below. In the Address pool field, I simply use as the private IP address range that I want to use. VPN clients will dynamically receive an IP address from the range that we specify here.

Configuring Point-to-site. Saving of this will take about 5 minutes.

Now, we can download the corresponding VPN client to our local machine and install it. With this, we will get to see a new connection having our resource group name as its name available as one of the VPN connections on our machine.

A new VPN connection available to connect to our VM.

We can then connect to our VM using its private IP address, as shown in the screenshot below. Now, at least our VM is secured in the sense that its SSH port is not exposed to the public Internet.

We will not be connected with our VM through PuTTY SSH client if the corresponding VPN is disconnected.

Upgrade Ubuntu to 20.04 LTS

Once we have successfully connected to our VM, if we are using the Ubuntu 18.04 provided on Azure, then we will notice a message reminding us that there is a newer LTS version of Ubuntu available, which is Ubuntu 20.04, as shown in the screenshot below. Simply proceed to upgrade it.

New release of Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS is available now.

Set VM Operating Hours

Since in cloud computing, we pay for what we use. Hence, it’s important that our VMs are only running when it’s necessary. If the VM doesn’t need to run 24-hour everyday, then we can configure its auto start and stop timings. For my case, I don’t listen to music when I am sleeping, so I will turn off the audio server between 12am to 6am.

To start and stop our VM at a scheduled time of the day, we can use the Tasks function, which is still in preview and available under Automation section of the VM. It will create two Logic Apps which will not automatically start or stop the VM.

Instead, I have to change the Logic Apps to send HTTP POST requests to start and powerOff endpoints of Azure directly, as suggested by R:\ob.ert in his post “Start/Stop Azure VMs during off-hours — The Logic App Solution”.

Changed the Logic Apps generated by the auto-power-off-VM template to send POST request to the powerOff endpoint directly.

Install Airsonic and Run as Standalone Programme

Since our VM will be automatically stopped and started everyday, it’s better to integrate Airsonic programme with Systemd so that Airsonic will be automatically run on each boot. There is a tutorial on how to set this up in the Airsonic documentation, so I will not describe the steps here. However, please remember to install Open JDK 8 too because Airsonic is based on Java to run.

Checking the airsonic.service status.

By default, Airsonic will be available at the port 8080 and it is listening on the path /airsonic. If the installation is successful, with our VPN connection connected, then we shall be able to see the following login screen in our first visit. Please immediately change the password as instructed for security purpose.

Welcome to Airsonic!

Public IP on VM Only via Load Balancer

We need to allow Airsonic music streaming over the public Internet and thus the VM needs to be accessible via public IP. However, since we have already earlier configured our VM to not have any public IP address, there needs to be a public load balancer bound to the VM. This setup gives us the flexibility to change the VM in the backend on the fly and secure the VM from Internet traffic.

Now, we can create a public load balancer, as shown in the screenshot below. The reason why Basic SKU which has no SLA is used here is because it’s free. SLA is optional to me here because this VM will be just a personal audio server.

Creating a new load balancer.

Basic SKU public IP address supports a dynamic as the default IP address assignment method. This means that a public IP address will be released from a resource when the resource is stopped (or deleted). The same resource will receive a different public IP address on start-up next time. If this is not what you expect, you can choose to use a static IP address to ensure it remains the same.

We now need to attach our VM to the backend pool of the load balancer, as shown in the following screenshot.

Attaching VM to the backend pool of the Azure Load Balancer.

After that, in order to allow Airsonic to be accessible from the public Internet, we shall set an inbound NAT (Network Address Translation) rule on the Azure Load Balancer. Here since I have only one VM, I directly set the VM as the target and setup a custom port mapping from port 80 to port 8080 (8080 is the default port used by Airsonic), as shown below.

A new inbound NAT rule has been set for the Airsonic VM.

Also, at the same time, we need to allow port 8080 in the Network Interface of the VM, as highlighted in the screenshot below.

Note: The VM airsonic-main-02 shown in the screenshot is the 2nd VM that I have for the same project. It is same as airsonic-main VM.

Allow inbound port 8080 on the Airsonic VM.

Once we have done all these, we can finally access Airsonic through the public IP address of the load balancer.

Enjoy the Music

By default, the media folder that will be used by Airsonic is at /var/music, as shown below. If this music folder does not exist yet, simply proceed to create one.

Airsonic will scan the media folder every day at 3am by default.

By default, the media folder is not accessible by any of the users. We need to explicitly give users the access to the media folders, as shown in the screenshot below.

Giving user access to the media folders.

As recommended by Airsonic, the music folders we add to /var/music and other media folders are better organized in an “artist/album/song” manner. This will help Airsonic to automatically build the albums. In addition, since I have already entered the relevant properties such as title and artist name to the music files, so Airsonic can read them and display on the web app, as shown in the screenshot below.

The cover image is automatically picked up from an image file named cover.png in the corresponding album folder.

In addition, both Airsonic and Subsonic provide the same API. Hence, we can access our music on Airsonic through Subsonic mobile apps as well. Currently I am using the free app Subsonic Music Streamer on my Android phone and it works pretty well.

The music on our Airsonic server can be accessed through Subsonic mobile app too!


Personal OneDrive Music Player on Raspberry Pi with a Web-based Remote Control (Part 1)

There are so much things that we can build with a Raspberry Pi. It’s always my small little dream to have a personal music player that sits on my desk. With the successful setup of the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B few weeks ago, it’s time to realise that dream.

Project GitHub Repository

The complete source code of the music player program on the Raspberry Pi mentioned in this article can be found at

Project Objective

In this article and the next, I will be sharing with you the journey of building a personal music player on Raspberry Pi. The end product will just be like Spotify on Google Nest Hub where we can listen to our favourite music not on our computer or smart phone but on another standalone device, which is Raspberry Pi in this case.

In this project, there is no monitor or any other displays connected to my Raspberry Pi. So the output is simply music and songs. However, since there is no touch screen for user to interact with the Raspberry Pi like how Google Nest Hub does, we will need to use a web app which acts as the remote control of the Raspberry Pi music player. With the web app, user will be able to scan through the playlist and choose which music or song to play.

A month in, I barely use the Google Nest Hub Max (yet I still recommend it)
[Image Caption: Spotify on Google Nest Hub (Image Credit: Android Authority)]

In addition, while Google Nest Hub has its music streamed from Spotify, the music that our Raspberry Pi music player will use is available on our personal OneDrive Music folder. In the next article, I will talk more about how we can use Azure Active Directory and Microsoft Graph API to connect with our personal OneDrive service.

So with this introduction, we can confirm that the objective of this project is to build a music player on a Raspberry Pi which can be controlled remotely via a web app to play music from OneDrive.

[Image Caption: System design of this music player together with its web portal.]

We will only focus on the setup of Raspberry Pi and RabbitMQ server in this Part 1 of the article. In the Part 2, which can be found by clicking here, we will continue to talk about the web portal and how we access the OneDrive with Microsoft Graph and go-onedrive client.

Installing Golang on Raspberry Pi

The music player that we are going to build is using Golang. The reason of choosing Golang is because it’s easy to work with, especially integrating with the RabbitMQ server.

To install Golang on a Raspberry Pi, we can simply use the following command.

$ sudo apt-get install golang

However, please take note that the version of the Golang downloaded is not the latest one. So the alternative way of doing it is download the package from the Golang official website with the following commands.

Since the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is having a 64-bit ARMv8 CPU and the latest Golang version is 1.15.5, according to the Golang website, what we need to download is the highlighted one in the following screenshot. Hence, we can run the following commands.

$ wget
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.15.5.linux-arm64.tar.gz
$ rm go1.15.5.linux-arm64.tar.gz
[Image Caption: Finding the correct package to download for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.]

Now we have Golang installed on our Raspberry Pi, we can proceed to build the music player.

Music Player on Raspberry Pi

The multimedia player used in this project is the VLC Media Player which is not only free and open-source but also cross-platform. The reason VLC Media Player is chosen is also because it has nvlc, a command-line ncurses interface to play an MP3. Hence, to play an MP3 with nvlc, we just need to run the following command.

$ nvlc <mp3_file> --play-and-exit

The –play-and-exit flag is added to make sure that the VLC will exit once the particular music is finished.

Also, we can use Go exec command to execute the command above. For example, if we have an MP3 file called song and it’s stored in the directory songFileRoot, then we can play the MP3 file with the following codes.

cmd := exec.Command("nvlc", song, "--play-and-exit")

cmd.Dir = songFileRoot
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stdout

if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Error:", err)

Messaging, RabbitMQ, and Remote Controlling Via Web App

Now we need a communication channel for our web app to tell the Golang programme above which MP3 file to play.

A common way is to use HTTP and REST to communicate. That will require us to design some RESTful HTTP APIs and turn our Raspberry Pi to be a web server so that the web app can invoke the APIs with HTTP request.

Using RESTful API sounds great and easy but what if the Raspberry Pi is not responding? Then our web app has to implement some sort of reconnection or failover logic. In addition, when our web app makes a call to the API, it will be blocked waiting for a response. Finally, due to the nature of RESTful API, there will always be some coupling of services.

This makes me turn to an alternative way, which is messaging which is loose coupling and asynchronous. Using messaging with message brokers like RabbitMQ helps a lot with scalability too.

Here RabbitMQ is used because is a popular light-weight message broker and it’s suitable for general-purpose messaging. Also, I like how RabbitMQ simply stores messages and passes them to consumers when ready.

It’s also simple to setup RabbitMQ on a cloud server too. For example, now on Microsoft Azure, we can just launch a VM running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and follow the steps listed in the tutorials below to install RabbitMQ Server on Azure.

RabbitMQ supports several messaging protocols, directly and through the use of plugins. Here we will be using the AMQP 0-9-1 which we have Golang client support for it as well.

How about the message format? Basically, to RabbitMQ, all messages are just byte arrays. So, we can store our data in JSON and serialise the JSON object to byte array before sending the data via RabbitMQ. Hence, we have the two structs below.

type Command struct {
    Tasks []*Task `json:"tasks"`

type Task struct {
    Name    string   `json:"name"`
    Content []string `json:"content"`

With this, we then can publish the message via RabbitMQ as follows.

ch, err := conn.Channel()
err = ch.Publish(
    "",     // exchange
    q.Name, // routing key
    false,  // mandatory
    false,  // immediate
        ContentType: "application/json",
        Body:        body,

When the message is received at Raspberry Pi side, we simply need to de-serialise it accordingly to get the actual data.

Now, by connecting both the Raspberry Pi music player and the web app to the RabbitMQ server, both of them can communicate. We will then make our app web app as a sender to send the music filename over to the music player on the Raspberry Pi to instruct it to play the music.

Transferring OneDrive Music to Raspberry Pi

The music is stored on personal OneDrive Music folder online. Hence, it’s not a wise idea to always let our Raspberry Pi to stream the music from OneDrive every time the same music is chosen. Instead, we shall download only once to the Raspberry Pi right before the first time of a music is playing.

Hence, in our music player programme, we have a data file called which keeps track of the OneDrive Item ID and its local file name on the Raspberry Pi. Once the music is successfully downloaded to the Raspberry Pi, a new line of record as shown below will be appended to the data file.


Hence for the subsequent play of the same music, the music player programme will scan through the data file and play the local MP3 file instead of downloading it again from OneDrive.

func isDriveItemDownloaded(driveItemId string) bool {
    isMusicFileDownloaded := false

    dataFile, err := os.Open("playlist.dat")

    defer dataFile.Close()

    if err == nil {
        scanner := bufio.NewScanner(dataFile)

        for scanner.Scan() {
            line := scanner.Text()
            if !isMusicFileDownloaded && 0 == strings.Index(line, driveItemId) {
                lineComponents := strings.Split(line, "##########")
                isMusicFileDownloaded = true
    return isMusicFileDownloaded

Launch the Music Player Automatically

With our music player ready, instead of having us to launch it manually, could we make it run on our Raspberry Pi at startup? Yes, there are five ways of doing so listed on the Dexter Industry article. I choose to modify the .bashrc file which will run the music player when we boot up the Raspberry Pi and log in to it.

$ sudo nano /home/pi/.bashrc

In the .bashrc file, we simply need to append the following lines where we will change directory to the root of the music player programme. We cannot simply just run the programme just yet. We need to make sure two things.

Firstly, we need to make our music player run in the background. Doing so is because we want to continue to use the shell without waiting for the song finishes playing. So we can simply add the & to the end of the command so that the music player programme will start in the background.

Secondly, since we login to the Raspberry Pi using SSH, when we start a shell script and then logout from it, the process will be killed and thus cause the music player programme to stop. Hence, we need nohup (no hang up) command to catch the hangup signal so that our programme can run even after we log out from the shell.

# auto run customised programmes
cd /home/pi/golang/src/music-player
nohup ./music-player &

USB Speaker and ALSA

Next, we need to connect our Raspberry Pi to a speaker.

I get myself a USB speaker from Sim Lim Square which uses a “C-Media” chipset.. Now, I simply need to connect it to the Raspberry Pi.

[Image Caption: C-Media Electronics Inc. is a Taiwan computer hardware company building processors for audio devices.]

Next, we can use lsusb, as shown below, to display information about USB buses in Raspberry Pi and the devices connected to them. We should be able to locate the speaker that we just connect.

$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 004: ID ... C-Media Electronics, Inc. Audio Adapter
Bus 001 Device 003: ID ...

Hence now we know that the USB speaker is successfully picked up by the Raspberry Pi OS.

We can then proceed to list down all soundcards and digital audio devices with the following command.

$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware devices ****
card 0: Headphones...
  Subdevices: 8/8
  Subdevices #0: ...
card 1: Set [C-Media USB Headphone Set], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]

Now we also know that the USB speaker is at the Card 1. With this info, we can set the USB speaker as the default audio device by editing the configuration file of ALSA, the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. ALSA is used for providing kernel driven sound card drivers.

$ sudo nano /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf

The following two lines in the file are the only lines we need to update to be as follows in the file. The reason we put “1” for both of them because the USB speaker is using card 1, as shown above. So the number may be different for your device. For more information about this change, please refer to the ALSA Project page about setting default device.

defaults.ctl.card 1
defaults.pcm.card 1

Finally, if you would like to adjust the volume of the speaker, you can use alsamixer. Alsamixer is an ncurses mixer program for use with ALSA soundcard drivers.

$ alsamixer

There is a very good article about setting up USB speaker on Raspberry Pi by Matt on website. Feel free to refer to it if you would like to find our more.

Next: The Web-Based Remote Control and OneDrive

Since now we’ve already successfully setup the music player on the Raspberry Pi, it’s time to move on to see how we can control it from a website and how we can access our personal OneDrive Music folder with Azure AD and Microsoft Graph.

When you’re ready, let’s continue our journey here:


The code of the music player described in this article can be found in my GitHub repository: