Successfully Sent An Email via hMailServer

After setting up a mail server on my laptop last year, I couldn’t successfully send an email to myself using the hMailServer.

Last month, a reader, Aaron Watson, said that it would be possible due to SMTP authentication. Thanks to his message, I had a new way to continue finding out why my hMailServer was not working.

First of all, I set a new IP range record in hMailServer with both Lower IP and Upper IP being the same as my Windows Private IPv4 Address.

Next, I unchecked one of the checkboxes which says “External to external email addresses” under the “Require SMTP authentication”.

Uncheck "External to external e-mail addresses" option.
Uncheck “External to external e-mail addresses” option.

Finally, hMailServer should have something like this as shown in the following screenshot.

Internet Option IP Range
Internet Option IP Range

With this step done, I can now successfully send email via hMailServer on my laptop. My laptop is also a SMTP server now. =D

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